Hey there everyone having some more trouble/fun with my organizations A300, mainly I'm taking it from a two-node switchless cluster and migrating it to a cluster switch (Nexus 3232C) . Im reading through the 215-13127_C0 pdf but have hit a weird problem. After verifying everything is good up till the 10th step where I am asked to migrate the lifs to the new destination port.
I run: run -node FILER05
then I run: network interface migrate -vserver cluster -lif lif-name source-node FILER05
-destination-node FILER05 -destination-port e1a
Which returns an error saying it doesnt recognize "network", I see you have to run the command for each node but It doesnt appear when I do a "?" command.
I know i'm doing something wrong, just not sure what lol. Any info is appreciated!!!
Solved! See The Solution
I figured it out was running it wrong:
network interface migrate -vserver cluster -lif n1_clus1 -source-node n1 –destination-node n1 -destination-port e4e
I got confused by the error, it meant I can't take a LIF from one node and place it on another. LIF must be migrated to the same node.
I doubt the doc says to do that in the way your describe. I've done this a bunch and that is not correct.
It is correct in that the command does not exist (at the node level). That is a cluster command.
Please provide a LINK to the doc you are using. It sounds incorrect (maybe dated)
Lol no look for yourself: Migrating from a Two-Node Switchless Cluster (
Ok...Looking at step 10:
10. Migrate the n1_clus1 and n2_clus1 LIFs to the physical ports of their destination nodes:
network interface migrate -vserver cluster -lif lif-name source-node source-node-name -destination-port destination-port-name
You must execute the command for each local node as shown in the following example:
cluster::*> network interface migrate -vserver cluster -lif n1_clus1 -source-node n1 –destination-node n1 -destination-port e4e
All cluster commands.
Searching the doc for "node run" shows nothing. Evening searching for "run" only shows "running". So...not sure where you were looking.
The thing is if I run that command I get an error saying:
command failed: Migration of cluster LIFs must be done from local node.
Admittedly good sir I am no NetApp expert, so any earnest help would be appreciated.
I see you may have figured it out. The doc does in fact indicate some commands must be run from the local nodes.
i typically ssh into each service processor and run from there.
A little tip, I use a tool called mobaxterm. I use this to rub the same command in multiple windows. When doing this instead of a host name I can use “local” which is short for localhost
For instance:
net in modify -node local -port e0a -auto-revert false
I figured it out was running it wrong:
network interface migrate -vserver cluster -lif n1_clus1 -source-node n1 –destination-node n1 -destination-port e4e
I got confused by the error, it meant I can't take a LIF from one node and place it on another. LIF must be migrated to the same node.
This error:
command failed: Migration of cluster LIFs must be done from local node.
Means that you must be logged into the node of the cluster LIF's home port (node-mgmt SSH, SSH to node's SP/BMC or serial console access) to perform the migrate command for a cluster LIF. It's a "safety" feature.