Hi, I have noticed slow throughput initializing replicated vols across a WAN. It finally dawned on me to check the paths in use, and on the source cluster it's sending traffic out both controllers over e0m ports but it is coming on on the far side ports using the preferred IC LIFs which are setup with jumbos whereas the e0m's are not. My question is would IPspaces be the use case for solving this or just adding specific routes to the vserver for the cluster? When our VAR helped set these up they had us put "all" broadcast domains into the default IPspace and I'm not sure if I want to monkey with those thus the question. Both running 9.11.1 thanks!
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Not sure if its a right forum to check about specifics for AWS ONTAP FSx volumes but worth a try I have volumes deployed on AWS ONTAP FSx with default storage efficiency setup. My understanding was that compression and de-duplication are default features for the FSx volumes. However I have recently discovered based on stats from various volumes [stats below] that de-duplication happens by default but there is no compression enabled. Volume Contains Shared or Compressed Data: true Space Saved by Storage Efficiency: 5.66GB Percentage Saved by Storage Efficiency: 23% Space Saved by Deduplication Along With VBN ZERO Savings: 5.66GB Percentage Saved by Deduplication: 23% Unique Data Which Got Shared by Deduplication: 5.65GB Space Saved by Compression: 0B Percentage Space Saved by Compression: 0% I cannot try volume efficiency CLI as its disabled for AWS FSX ontap. fsydcgml602::> set -privilege advanced Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use them only when directed to do so by NetApp personnel. Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y fsydcgml602::*> volume fsydcgml602::volume*> activity-tracking analytics autosize clone conversion create delete encryption expand file flexcache flexgroup modify mount offline online qtree quota rebalance recovery-queue rename restrict show show-footprint show-space size snaplock snapshot unmount Is my understanding correct here?
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By default When we use 9a and 9b, the system is config the disk to be root-data-data partition in AFF Model, Can it be config to root-data partition ? Thanks
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