Client Production is:
2 node W2k8 cluster with E2k7
DR is: standby cluster w/ W2k8
We only have binaries installed. Followed
to install BCM.
All stages of BCM failover successful except for "Exchange Instance Recreation"... Seeing the following error in BCM Report:
[5/11/2009 6:21:21 PM, (25)] The following server roles will be recovered
[5/11/2009 6:21:21 PM, (25)] Clustered Mailbox Server
[5/11/2009 6:21:21 PM, (25)] Performing Microsoft Exchange Server Prerequisite Check
[5/11/2009 6:21:21 PM, (25)] Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server
[5/11/2009 6:21:36 PM, (25)] Clustered Mailbox Server ... FAILED
[5/11/2009 6:21:36 PM, (25)] The Exchange Server Setup operation did not complete. For more information, visit and enter the Error ID.
[5/11/2009 6:21:36 PM, (25)] Exchange Server setup encountered an error.
[5/11/2009 6:21:36 PM, (31)] completed with Return code: [1]
[5/11/2009 6:21:36 PM, (31)] Recovery of Exchange 2007 Clustered MailBox Server completed with error(s).
Please check the Windows Event Log for more details.[Error Code: 1]
Error Information: Please specify an existing server role(s) to uninstall.
Cluster Common Failure Exception: The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007139F)
[5/11/2009 6:21:36 PM, (31)] An error occured while recovering Exchange 2007 Clustered Mailbox Server.
Please check the Reports/Window Event Logs for more details.
SnapManager will attempt to online the Exchange Resources.
If the error is not critical, the online operation may succeed.
[5/11/2009 6:21:36 PM, (31)] Checking if it is a retriable error [processing]
[5/11/2009 6:21:36 PM, (31)] Checking if it is a retriable error [completed]
[5/11/2009 6:21:36 PM, (31)] Onlining Resource Group: exch07prod1
[5/11/2009 6:22:02 PM, (31)] Onlining Resource Group: exch07prod1 - Completed.
[5/11/2009 6:22:02 PM, (31)] An error occured while recovering Exchange 2007 Clustered Mailbox Server.
Please check the Reports/Window Event Logs for more details.
[5/11/2009 6:22:02 PM, (31)] Restoring any pending state [processing]
[5/11/2009 6:22:02 PM, (31)] Restoring any pending state [completed]
[5/11/2009 6:22:02 PM, (31)] Task Result Details:
[5/11/2009 6:22:02 PM, (31)] An error occured while recovering Exchange 2007 Clustered Mailbox Server.
Please check the Reports/Window Event Logs for more details.
[5/11/2009 6:22:02 PM, (31)] *** Task: Execution of Task[Exchange Instance Recreation] failed with Error(s)/Warning(s).
*** Execution of [Business Continuance Plan Execution] failed with Error(s)/Warning(s)
[5/11/2009 6:22:02 PM, (31)]
*****Result Summary **********************
Cleanup of Business Continuance Destination : [Successful]
Offline Exchange & Update SnapMirror : [Successful]
Quisce and Break SnapMirrors : [Successful]
ReConnect Exchange LUNs : [Successful]
Exchange Instance Recreation : [Error]
Restore backups : [Initialized]
I am able to bring the luns online, but it is not creating the System Attendant, Information Store, and Disk Resources automatically. Manually creating them doesn’t work either.
If I failback using BCM, everything works except for the mounting of the datastore. I must restore from a SME backup in order to be able to mount the datastore.