Data Backup and Recovery

Error ORA-01031: insufficient privileges when cloning


I am posting this again to the right bb. After the error below I started a listener (w/o any services) on the host where I would have the clone database and then tried to clone again. This time I did not see error 'ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified' but at the same line I saw error

'ORA-01031: insufficient privileges' when SMO trying to 'Starting  up database "dentoncl" in NOMOUNT mode'.

Any insight would be much appreciated.



Hello all,

This worked very  well in the past (several weeks ago) but suddenly it caused problem  today. I am cloning from a backup to a new host (same host that worked  for me before) and got the following error from SMO. It worked fine if I  cloned to the same host (but this is not what we do in reality:)

--[ERROR]  SMO-13032: Cannot perform operation: Clone Create.  Root  cause:  ORACLE-00001: Error executing SQL: [STARTUP NOMOUNT EXCLUSIVE   PFILE=/home/oracle2/102/dbs/initdentoncl.ora;].  The command returned:   ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified

I would  appreciate any help.

Many thanks,


All messages from SMO (GUI or CLI):

--[ INFO]  SMO-13046: Operation GUID 233989e22bd02e6d012bd02e70d70001 starting on  Profile ORA10GF_PROFILE
--[ INFO] SMO-04030: Validating uniqueness of  new SID "dentoncl".
--[ INFO] SMO-04040: Using ORACLE_HOME of  "/home/oracle2/102" from clonespec for clone.
--[ INFO] SMO-04042:  Using Oracle OS account "oracle" from clonespec for clone.
--[ INFO]  SMO-04044: Using Oracle OS group "dba" from clonespec for clone.
--[  INFO] SMO-07127: Locked database for SnapManager operations - created  lock file "/home/oracle2/102/dbs/.sm_lock_dentoncl" on host
--[ INFO] SD-00025: Beginning to  connect filesystem(s) [/home/vol2_oracle, /home/oracle2] from snapshot  smo_ora10gf_profile_ora10gf_f_h_at_122759_on_20101021_1_2339899f2bcfd512012bcfd51c050001_0_mybackup.
--[  INFO] SD-00016: Discovering storage resources for  /home/vol2_oracle_DENTONCL.
--[ INFO] SD-00017: Finished storage  discovery for /home/vol2_oracle_DENTONCL.
--[ INFO] SD-00016:  Discovering storage resources for /home/oracle2_DENTONCL.
--[ INFO]  SD-00017: Finished storage discovery for /home/oracle2_DENTONCL.
--[  INFO] SD-00026: Finished connecting filesystem(s) [/home/vol2_oracle,  /home/oracle2] from snapshot  smo_ora10gf_profile_ora10gf_f_h_at_122759_on_20101021_1_2339899f2bcfd512012bcfd51c050001_0_mybackup.
--[  INFO] SD-00025: Beginning to connect filesystem(s) [/home/oracle2] from  snapshot  smo_ora10gf_profile_ora10gf_f_h_at_122833_on_20101021_2_2339899f2bcfd512012bcfd51c050001_0_mybackup.
--[  INFO] SD-00016: Discovering storage resources for  /opt/NetApp/smo/mnt/-home-oracle2-20101021140537689_0.
--[ INFO]  SD-00017: Finished storage discovery for  /opt/NetApp/smo/mnt/-home-oracle2-20101021140537689_0.
--[ INFO]  SD-00026: Finished connecting filesystem(s) [/home/oracle2] from  snapshot  smo_ora10gf_profile_ora10gf_f_h_at_122833_on_20101021_2_2339899f2bcfd512012bcfd51c050001_0_mybackup.
--[  INFO] ORACLE-00502: Adding entry for database dentoncl in /etc/oratab.
--[  INFO] SMO-07300: Beginning clone of database "ORA10GF" to SID  "dentoncl" on host "denton".
--[ INFO] SMO-07302: Generating  parameter file for "dentoncl" at  "/home/oracle2/102/dbs/initdentoncl.ora".
--[ INFO] SMO-07303:  Generating password file for "dentoncl" at  "/home/oracle2/102/dbs/orapwdentoncl".
--[ INFO] SMO-07304: Starting  up database "dentoncl" in NOMOUNT mode.
--[ERROR] SMO-13032: Cannot  perform operation: Clone Create.  Root cause: ORACLE-00001: Error  executing SQL: [STARTUP NOMOUNT EXCLUSIVE  PFILE=/home/oracle2/102/dbs/initdentoncl.ora;].  The command returned:  ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
ORA-12154:  TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
--[ INFO]  SMO-07316: Shutting down database "dentoncl".
--[ INFO] SMO-07317:  Deleting file "/home/oracle2/102/dbs/initdentoncl.ora".
--[ INFO]  SMO-07317: Deleting file "/home/oracle2/admin/dentoncl/bdump".
--[  INFO] SMO-07317: Deleting file "/home/oracle2/admin/dentoncl/cdump".
--[  INFO] SMO-07317: Deleting file "/home/oracle2/admin/dentoncl/udump".
--[  INFO] SMO-07317: Deleting file "/home/oracle2/102/dbs/orapwdentoncl".
--[  INFO] SMO-04038: Deleting now empty directory  "/home/oracle2/admin/dentoncl"
--[ INFO] ORACLE-00503: Removing entry  for database dentoncl from /etc/oratab.
--[ INFO] SD-00031:  Beginning to disconnect filesystem(s)  [/opt/NetApp/smo/mnt/-home-oracle2-20101021140537689_0].
--[ INFO]  SD-00032: Finished disconnecting filesystem(s)  [/opt/NetApp/smo/mnt/-home-oracle2-20101021140537689_0].
--[ INFO]  SD-00031: Beginning to disconnect filesystem(s) [/home/oracle2_DENTONCL,  /home/vol2_oracle_DENTONCL].
--[ INFO] SD-00032: Finished  disconnecting filesystem(s) [/home/oracle2_DENTONCL,  /home/vol2_oracle_DENTONCL].
--[ INFO] SMO-07131: Unlocked database  for SnapManager operations - removed lock file  "/home/oracle2/102/dbs/.sm_lock_dentoncl" on host
--[ INFO] SMO-13039: Successfully  aborted operation: Clone Create
--[ERROR] SMO-13048: Clone Create  Operation Status: FAILED
--[ INFO] SMO-13049: Elapsed Time:  0:00:56.197



Hi JS,

Again i am posting my commets in right discussion.

The issue could be due to environment reason. Please verify that both the host has same oracle user and os group configuration. If this differs, the clone creation environment section needs to be modified accordingly.

If you are performing remote clone operation using CLI (Command Line Interface), then in the clone specification xml file please update the oracle-os-account's username and group tag values aligning to the remote host.

And If you are using GUI (Graphical User Interface) then in Clone Specification page please update the user and group in the environment section.


Nithyananthan S



Thank you much for your input. I did check the Oracle os account (and password) and its group on the CLONE host (where the clone database to be on) and they are exactly the same as those on the SOURCE host (where the source database is running). Both Oracle account ID and group ID on the CLONE host are also the same as those on the SOURCE host.

I incorrectly said in my last message that I could do the clone operation locally by running SMO GUI on the CLONE machine. This is not true, it failed both cases when I run SMO GUI on SOURCE host or CLONE host (I however could create a clone database on the SOURCE machine when running SMO GUI on SOURCE).

I would appreciate any other suggestions.

By the way, since the error message 'ORA-01031: insufficient privileges was received when executing command SQL: [STARTUP NOMOUNT EXCLUSIVE  PFILE=/home/oracle2/102/dbs/initdentoncl.ora;] which means a connection to Oracle has been established using the Oracle os account given. SMO must have used the sysdba account given in the profile to connect to Oracle to issue STARTUP NOMOUNT but this is a sysdba account and should have the right privileges (unless the password file for the clone database was not created correctly by SMO). Is there a way we can tell SMO not to delete the clone database when it failed to start it up?




I'm on leave from 30th Oct to 12th Nov. Please contact my manager

Senthil ( for anything urgent.


