Multi-site DAG
Primary DC:
EX 1 with 1 active 2 passive db
EX 2 with 1 active 1 passive db
EX 3 with 1 active no passive db
(this is an unbalanced DAG due to shortage of available disk atm. This issue will be addressed in the new year)
EX 4 with 3 passive no active db
Looking to create a backup solution using SnapManager for Exchange 6.0.2 and NetBackup w/Data Domain.
I am thinking of doing the following:
1. FRP Backup every 3 hrs on all servers in the DAG using SME
2. Daily FULL backup of all DBs on EX4 (passive copies only) using SME followed by Full using NetBackup on Monday through Friday (since all data is going to Data Domain dedup will take care of backup sizes)
I've read posts and some of the guides on the subject, but real life advise would be greatly appreciated.