Before starting, I'll be upfront and say that I'm not the DBA in this situation and probably don't know all the ins and outs of Oracle, but ...
We are testing SMO 3.1 (Linux) to see if it is something we want to use. I have created 3 volumes on the NetApp side and exported them to the database host via NFS (no iSCSI or FC luns).
It's pretty clear from the names that the DB is in "data", the redo logs are in "log" and "arch" is where we put the control files. The Binaries are in a separate admin volume.
When running a backup via SMO, it will snapshot the _data and _arch volumes, but not touch the _log volume. We have found references in the NetApp docs and KB that SMO doesn't back up the redo log.
Is this necessary to backup (snapshot) the redo log volume at the same time as the data and control files? If so, has anyone else employed a workaround for this?