I have a fairly recent implementation of SnapCenter 4.1, and it appears to work well. Backups are running fine and all my restore attempts have succeded. I'm using the VMware plugin specifically, and only.
Now I'm digging into getting some continuous monitoring in place, and we use Splunk for centralized log handling.
I found the aegis.log file somewhere a few levels deep in the installation folder, this appears to have the information I'm looking for. Howevr, the logging clearly has many log lines with debug level information. It even has DEBUG as part of the log line. Most lines are single line items, every once in a while there's a block of xml formatted information. This makes the log parsing a bit challenging.
Is there any way to tune SnapCenter to tune down the log level? I poked around the settings files and the SnapCenter web GUI, found nothing obvious.
The aegis.log file in itself is rotated by SnapCenter by the looks of it, and older files are purged. Nice behaviour there!