- I would recommend you to install DSM-MPIO also. Since Version 3.5 you dont need anymore the Host Utilities, because DSM MPIO set the recommended Values:
New features in this Host Utilities release
Windows Host Utilities 6.0 includes several new features and support for additional configurations.
Host Utilities 6.0 includes the following changes from 5.3:
• The Host Utilities are no longer required if the Windows host is running the Data ONTAP DSM
3.5 for Windows MPIO or later.
- Best Practise --> http://media.netapp.com/documents/tr-4001.pdf
- Snapdrive Dokus --> http://support.netapp.com/NOW/download/software/snapdrive_win/6.4.2/
- I recommend to setup the iscsi sessions/LUNs within snapdrive. The Volumes and the Qtrees you have to create on the Filer (System Manager/CLI).
- When you add a shared LUN in a Cluster, snapdrive connect the Disk on both node and create the Cluster Ressource group also (Or add a Disk to a existing Cluster Ressource Group. Only the iscsi Sessions you have
to establish on both nodes as First Step.