I Have a situation where I have to find all files under a specific directory structure (1-10 level deep), find all files and copy it over to a SINGLE level on destination, but when I run copy with match filters to find only files, it is still dumping all the directory structure
Example of what I ran:-
xcp copy -match "fnm('*<name>*') and type == f" <source> <Destination>
below is what I get;
Stats : 1.91M scanned, 66 matched, 7,240 copied, 7,241 indexed, 3,254 giants
Speed : 90.1 GiB in (451 MiB/s), 88.4 GiB out (442 MiB/s)
though it found only 66 matching files, it also copied over about 7240 Dir structure along it
I want all of this to be copied over to just