Data Backup and Recovery

snapcreator is unable to take snapshot of exchange server using snapmanager for exchange


Hi Team,


snapcreator is unable to take snapshot of exchange server  using snapmanager for exchange.


# Snap Creator Framework Configuration File #
# #
# Referencing a Variable #
# Reference previously assigned variables or variables assigned within Snap Creator itself by prepending the variable #
# name with "%". #
# #
# For example) If you want to reference a VARIABLE: #
# BLAH=/usr/local/bin/foo %USER_DEFINED #
# #
# Below is a list of all the built in referenceable variables: #
# The Snapshot Schedule: daily, monthly, etc #
# An epoch time stamp associated with the snapshot #
# Could be -snap, -clone_vol, -clone_lun, -arch, or -list depending on which action you used #
# %MSG #
# Used to send the error message to other monitoring tools or email. Can only be used with SENDTRAP function. #
# Pass a user defined argument to the script, a good example would be in order to integrate with a backup #
# application like netbackup, you may need to pass into configuration file the netbackup schedule desired in the #
# case where you have multiple schedules. #

# CONFIG_TYPE - (required) - (STANDARD|PLUGIN) #
# We can have two types of configuration in SC 3.4.0 app or standard. We can use multiple app configs to build up #
# complex quiesce and unquiesce workflows. #
# META_DATA_VOLUME - (optional) #
# Allows for Snapshot copy of specified volume to occur after unquiesce. This can be valuable for certain plugins #
# where data Snapshot copy should occur at different times. The meta data volume must not be only volume #
# specified. #
# i. e.: controller1:volume1,volume2;controller2:volume3,volume4;controller3:volume5,volume6 #
# LOG_NUM - (optional) - Number #
# The number of logs .debug and .out for Snap Creator to keep #
# SNAPDRIVE - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# Setting which allows you to use snapdrive instead of ZAPI for Snapshot copy creation #
# SNAPDRIVE_DISCOVERY - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# Setting which enables use of snapdrive for storage discovery, required in SAN or iSAN environment when using #
# VALIDATE_VOLUMES parameter #
# VOLUME_GROUPS - (optional) #
# List of volume groups, each volume group has a list of primary filers and volumes you want to Snapshot copy. #
# i. e.: #VOLUMES_01 - filer1:vol1,vol2,vol3;filer2:vol1 #
# #VOLUMES_02 - filer1:vol3,vol4 #
# #VOLUMES_03 - filer2:vol3,vol4 #
# LOG_TRACE_ENABLE - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# This setting allows logging of all the events. If disabled, the ZAPI result objects get not logged. #
# USE_PROXY - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# Setting which allows API calls to go through DFM proxy instead of storage controller directly. If this option #
# is used NTAP_USERS is no longer required. #
# NTAP_PWD_PROTECTION - (required) - (Y|N) #
# Setting for enabling password protection, you must first create a encrypted password and then save that #
# password in config file #
# NTAP_TIMEOUT - (optional) - Number #
# (seconds) Setting which sets timeout for all storage controller zapi calls. Default is 60 secs. #
# USE_GLOBAL_CONFIG - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# (Y|N) Setting which allows to use global config for storing values. #
# List of config and profile names for all the federated application under this config #
# i. e.: databases@db2;databases@oracle #
# ALLOW_IP_ADDR - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# (Y|N) Setting which allows to use IP in secondary configuration (snapvault, snapmirror etc). #
# SC_TMP_DIR - (optional) - Text #
# The directory used for storing temporary created files. It must exist and must be writable. If not specified, #
# the system default will be used. #
# NTAP_USERS - (optional) - Text #
# List of primary controllers and volumes you want to Snapshot copy. #
# i. e.: controller1:user/password;controller2:user/password #
# MANAGEMENT_INTERFACES - (optional) - Text #
# List of primary controllers and their management interfaces used for communications #
# i. e.: controller1:controller1-mgmt;controller2:controller2-mgmt #
# TRANSPORT - (optional) - (HTTP|HTTPS) #
# Setting to use either HTTP or HTTPS to connect to NetApp controller #
# PORT - (optional) - Number - (\d+) #
# Setting which configures which port number on the NetApp controller to use #
# SECONDARY_INTERFACES - (optional) - Text #
# List of primary controllers or vfilers and their secondary interfaces source/destination for snapvault and #
# snapmirror relationships #
# i. e.: #
# controller1:controller1-source/controller2-destination;controller3:controller3-source/controller4-destination #
# OR #
# controller1:controller1-source/controller2-destination;controller1:controller1-source/controller3-destination #
# CMODE_CLUSTER_NAME - (optional) - Text #
# (required for Clustered ONTAP) Name of the primary Clustered ONTAP cluster #
# CMODE_CLUSTER_USERS - (optional) - Text #
# (required for Clustered ONTAP) List of primary/secondary Clustered ONTAP clusters and their corresponding #
# users/passwords #
# i. e.: cluster1:joe/password1;cluster2:bob/password2 #
# CMODE_SNAPSHOT_FORCE_DELETE - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# Setting which ensures Snapshot copies will be deleted. In Clustered ONTAP Snapshot copies will not be deleted #
# if they have dependencies like a clone. #
# CMODE_SET - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# Setting which defines if the configuration is a Clustered ONTAP or 7-mode configuration #
# SNAME - (required) - Text #
# Your Snapshot copy naming convention, should be unique, Snapshot copies on netapp will be deleted according to #
# this naming convention #
# i. e.: xyz #
# SNAP_TIMESTAMP_ONLY - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# Setting to set snapshot naming convention "Y" will create _recent, "N" will use a human readable timestamp #
# Setting which determines the number of netapp Snapshot copies you want to retain for a given policy, backup #
# type and scheduler information. #
# NTAP_USE_EXTERNAL_SNAPSHOT - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# (Y|N) Setting which allows for import of non Snap Creator Snapshot copy, most recent Snapshot copy is matched. #
# NTAP_SNAPSHOT_NODELETE - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# Setting which will override NTAP_SNAPSHOT_RETENTIONS and ensure no Snapshot copies are deleted, leaving this on #
# can cause your netapp volume to fill up #
# Setting which defines how long controller will wait for consistently group Snapshot copy #
# Setting which can improve performance of the CG Snapshot copy by forcing a CP through a wafl-sync before the #
# cg-start #
# NTAP_SNAPSHOT_RETENTION_AGE - (optional) - Text #
# Setting in (days) which allows you to define a retention age for Snapshot copies. If configured Snapshot copies #
# will only be deleted if there are more than defined in NTAP_SNAPSHOT_RETENTIONS and if they are older than #
# retention age (days) #
# NTAP_SIS_CLONE_FILES - (optional) #
# #
# Setting which allows the deletion of out-dated Snapshot copies, regardless of the retentions count #
# Setting which - if disabled - will always force a SFSR when doing a single file restore #
# NTAP_SNAPSHOT_LABEL - (optional) - Text #
# A Clustered ONTAP setting which allows an optional snapmirror label to be applied to the snapshot. #
# NTAP_SNAPSHOT_CLEANUP - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# (Y|N) Setting which in the event of backup failure will remove any Snapshot copies taken. #
# ALLOW_DUPLICATE_SNAME - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# (Y|N) Setting which will prevent/allow sname duplication. #
# NTAP_EXTERNAL_SNAPSHOT_REGEX - (optional) - Text #
# A regular expression for matching imported Snapshot copies, requires the NTAP_USE_EXTERNAL_SNAPSHOT option. #
# Time in seconds to wait between each retry of consistency group Snapshot #
# Setting which determines the number of netapp Snapshot copies you want to retain for a given policy #
# i. e.: daily:7,weekly:4,monthly:1 #
# NTAP_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_CMD<#> - (optional) #
# SnapDrive command to create a Snapshot copy and flush the file system buffers where "#" is a number 01-xx #
# Number of times to retry consistency group Snapshot in case of failure #
# Setting which enables use of consistency groups for creating consistent Snapshot copy across multiple volumes #
# SnapDrive command to create meta data volume Snapshot copy and flush the file system buffers where "#" is a #
# number 01-xx #
# Setting which allows for ignoring Snapshot copy dependencies when prompted for deletion using the "--action #
# delete" option #
# NTAP_SNAPSHOT_DISABLE - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# Setting which tells Snap Creator to not take a Snapshot copy. #
# NTAP_SNAPVAULT_UPDATE - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# Setting which allows you to turn off and on the snapvault update function #
# List of primary storage controllers and qtree paths which should be included in snapvault update. Without this #
# option all qtrees under a volume will be backed up qtrees listed here will be backed up, the rest will be #
# ignored. #
# i. e.: controller1:/vol/qtree/qtree1,/vol/volume/qtree2;controller2:/vol/volume/qtree1 #
# NTAP_SNAPVAULT_NODELETE - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# Setting which will override NTAP_SNAPVAULT_RETENTIONS and ensure no Snapshot copies are deleted, leaving this #
# on can cause your netapp volume to fill up #
# NTAP_SNAPVAULT_RESTORE_WAIT - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# Setting which waits for snapvault restore to complete. This is recommended since after restore is complete user #
# will be prompted to delete the baseline snapshot which gets created on the primary volume #
# NTAP_SNAPVAULT_RETENTION_AGE - (optional) - Text #
# Setting in (days) which allows you to define a retention age for snapvault Snapshot copies. If configured #
# snapvault snapshots will only be deleted if there are more than defined in SNAPVAULT Retentions and if they are #
# older than retention age (days) #
# NTAP_SNAPVAULT_SNAPSHOT - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# Setting which enables creation of snapvault Snapshot copy. A Snapshot copy compatible with the storage #
# controller snapvault scheduler. Snapshots are named sv_<policy>.<#> and deletion is handled by the storage #
# controller #
# NTAP_SNAPVAULT_MAX_TRANSFER - (optional) - Number #
# Maximum bandwidth for snapvault to consume in kbps, if left blank snapvault will consume as much bandwidth as #
# possible #
# NTAP_SNAPVAULT_WAIT - (optional) - Number - (\d+) #
# Time in minutes where we will wait for snapvault update process to complete before taking a Snapshot copy on #
# the snapvault secondary #
# Setting which determines the number of netapp Snapshot copies on the snapvault secondary you want to retain for #
# a given policy #
# i. e.: daily:7,weekly:4,monthly:1 #
# SNAPVAULT_VOLUMES - (optional) #
# List of primary controller and volumes you want to perform a snapvault update on #
# i. e.: controller1:vol1,vol2,vol3;controller2:vol1;controller3:vol2,vol3 #
# NTAP_SNAPMIRROR_WAIT - (optional) - Number #
# Time in minutes where we will wait for snapmirror update process to complete #
# List of primary storage controllers and qtree paths which should be included in snapmirror update. Without this #
# option all qtrees under a volume will be backed up qtrees listed here will be backed up, the rest will be #
# ignored. #
# i. e.: controller1:/vol/qtree/qtree1,/vol/volume/qtree2;controller2:/vol/volume/qtree1 #
# Setting which determines if the Snapshot copy will be sent with the snapmirror update #
# NTAP_SNAPMIRROR_MAX_TRANSFER - (optional) - Number #
# Maximum bandwidth for snapvault to consume in kbps, if left blank or 0, snapvault will consume as much #
# bandwidth as possible #
# SNAPMIRROR_VOLUMES - (optional) #
# A list of volumes to perform snapmirror operations on. Volumes can be subset or complete list of those in #
# VOLUMES parameter #
# List of secondary controller and volumes where you want to perform a snapmirror update from snapvault source #
# volume (snapshot->snapvault->snapmirror) #
# Setting which allows you to turn off and on the cascading snapmirror function (snapshot->snapvault->snapmirror) #
# NTAP_SNAPMIRROR_UPDATE - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# Setting which allows you to turn off and on the snapmirror update function #
# NTAP_CLONE_IGROUP_MAP - (optional) - Text #
# List of filer(s), source volume(s), and the Igroups used to map cloned volumes and luns #
# i. e.: #
# controller1:src_volume1/igroup1,src_volume2/igroup1,src_volume3/igroup1;controller2:src_volume1/igroup2,src_volume2/igroup2,src_volume3/igroup2 #
# Mapping of primary controllers and their secondary controller/volume. #
# i. e.: controller1:secondaryController1/vol1;controller2:secondaryController2/vol2 #
# NTAP_NFS_EXPORT_ACCESS - (optional) - (root|read-write|read-only) #
# Setting which controls access permission to cloned vol #
# NTAP_LUN_CLONE_RESERVATION - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# If true will reserve space for cloned luns if false will not #
# NTAP_NUM_VOL_CLONES - (optional) - Number #
# Setting which configures how many volume clones Snap Creator will keep #
# NTAP_NFS_EXPORT_PERSISTENT - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# Setting which allows for export permissions of cloned vol to be saved in the /etc/exports file on the storage #
# controller. #
# NTAP_CLONE_FOR_BACKUP - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# Setting which determines when the clone is deleted. "Y" will delete clone after it is created, "N" will delete #
# clone before Snapshot copy occurs so during the next run of Snap Creator for the given policy and config #
# NTAP_CLONE_SECONDARY - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# Setting which determines where to perform a clone. If "Y" is selected the snapmirror destination will be #
# cloned. This only works with snapmirror and you must set NTAP_SNAPMIRROR_USE_SNAPSHOT to Y #
# NTAP_CIFS_EXPORT_ENABLE - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# (Y|N) Setting to share a cloned volume using cifs #
# NTAP_NFS_EXPORT_HOST - (optional) - Text #
# The hostname or IP address of the server where cloned volume should be exported #
# Space Guarantee for cloned volume #
# NTAP_DFM_DATA_SET - (optional) - Text #
# List of controllers and their NetApp Management Console dataset to volume correlations #
# i. e.: controller1:dataset1/vol1,vol2;controller1:dataset2/vol3 #
# NTAP_PM_RUN_BACKUP - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# Setting which enables starting the NetApp Management Console backup as soon as the Snapshot copy registration #
# process is complete. Eliminates need to schedule secondary backup in NetApp Management Console. #
# NTAP_PM_UPDATE - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# Setting which allows you to turn off and on the NetApp Management Console backup update. The NetApp Management #
# Console backup will use a Snap Creator Snapshot copy. #
# NTAP_DFM_SNAPSHOT_FORMAT - (optional) - Text #
# Optional setting for the format of the secondary Snapshot copies when using NetApp Management Console. This #
# option requires DFM 5.0 or higher. You also must specify %T (timestamp). Other variables are %R (retention #
# type), %L (dataset label), %H (storage controller), %N (volume name), and %A (application specific data). If #
# this option is not set then the default PM naming convention will be used. The naming convention can only be #
# set at the time of dataset creation. #
# i. e.: controller1:volume1 #
# OM_TRANSPORT - (optional) - (HTTP|HTTPS) #
# Setting to use either HTTP or HTTPS to connect to NetApp Management Console #
# OM_HOST - (optional) - Text #
# Name or IP Address of your NetApp Management Console system #
# OM_USER - (optional) - Text #
# User name of an NetApp Management Console user which has privileges to create events #
# OM_EVENT_GENERATE - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# Setting which will enable event creation in NetApp Management Console #
# OM_PWD - (optional) - Text #
# Password of the NetApp Management Console user name #
# OM_PORT - (optional) - Number #
# The port to use for communications with NetApp Management Console; 8088 is the default HTTP port that the #
# NetApp Management Console uses #
# NTAP_OSSV_FS_SNAPSHOT - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# Setting which enables ability to create file system snapshot. The file system snapshot command must be provided #
# using the NTAP_OSSV_FS_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_CMD<#> parameter #
# Script or command that takes a file system snapshot in use with ossv backup, where "#" is a number between #
# 01-xx #
# NTAP_OSSV_HOMEDIR - (optional) - Text #
# The path to the OSSV home directory #
# i. e.: /usr/snapvault #
# NTAP_OSSV_ENABLE - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# Setting which enables the Open Systems Snapvault (OSSV) integration. This option must be used in combination #
# with the NTAP_OSSV_HOMEDIR parameter. OSSV is also required on the host running Snap Creator #
# UMOUNT_CMD<#> - (optional) #
# Umount commands to be used to mount file system for cloning or mount actions where "#" is a number 01-xx #
# ARCHIVE_CMD<#> - (optional) #
# The archive command command where "#" is a number 01-xx #
# APP_UNQUIESCE_CMD<#> - (optional) #
# Script or command that takes your application out of backup mode, where "#" is a number between 01-xx #
# MOUNT_CMD<#> - (optional) #
# Mount commands to be used to mount file system for cloning or mount actions where "#" is a number 01-xx #
# APP_QUIESCE_CMD<#> - (optional) #
# Script or command that puts your application into backup mode, where "#" is a number between 01-xx #
# PRE_UMOUNT_CMD<#> - (optional) #
# The pre umount command where "#" is a number 01-xx #
# PRE_CLONE_CREATE_CMD<#> - (optional) #
# The pre clone create command, where "#" is a number 01-xx #
# PRE_RESTORE_CMD<#> - (optional) #
# The pre restore command where "#" is a number 01-xx #
# PRE_NTAP_CMD<#> - (optional) #
# The pre netapp command where "#" is a number 01-xx #
# PRE_EXIT_CMD<#> - (optional) #
# Command which will run before Snap Creator exists due to an error, i. e. you want to return application or #
# backup into normal mode before Snap Creator exist due to an error. Where "#" is a number between 01-xx #
# PRE_APP_UNQUIESCE_CMD<#> - (optional) #
# The pre application unquiesce command where "#" is a number 01-xx #
# PRE_MOUNT_CMD<#> - (optional) #
# The pre mount command where "#" is a number 01-xx #
# PRE_APP_QUIESCE_CMD<#> - (optional) #
# The pre application quiesce command where "#" is a number 01-xx #
# PRE_NTAP_CLONE_DELETE_CMD<#> - (optional) #
# The pre netapp clone delete command where "#" is a number 01-xx #
# POST_NTAP_DATA_TRANSFER_CMD<#> - (optional) #
# The post data transfer command runs after SnapVault or SnapMirror transfer Where "#" is a number 01-xx. #
# POST_RESTORE_CMD<#> - (optional) #
# The post restore command where "#" is a number 01-xx #
# POST_MOUNT_CMD<#> - (optional) #
# The post mount command where "#" is a number 01-xx #
# POST_APP_QUIESCE_CMD<#> - (optional) #
# The post application quiesce command where "#" is a number 01-xx #
# POST_NTAP_CMD<#> - (optional) #
# The post netapp command where "#" is a number 01-xx #
# POST_UMOUNT_CMD<#> - (optional) #
# The post umount command where "#" is a number 01-xx #
# POST_CLONE_CREATE_CMD<#> - (optional) #
# The post clone create command, where "#" is a number 01-xx #
# POST_APP_UNQUIESCE_CMD<#> - (optional) #
# The post application unquiesce command where "#" is a number 01-xx #
# SUCCESS_MSG - (optional) - Text #
# Upon snapcreator success will log the message you define and also send it to SENDTRAP, if SENDTRAP is defined #
# NTAP_ASUP_ERROR_ENABLE - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# Setting which enables SnapCreator error messages to also log an auto support message on the NetApp storage #
# controller. Snap Creator will always create an info auto support message when the backup has started and #
# completed #
# SENDTRAP - (optional) - Text #
# Command which interfaces with your monitoring software or email, allows you to pass alerts generated from #
# SnapCreator into your own monitoring infrastructure. The %MSG variable is the message sent from Snap Creator #
# SUCCESS_TRAP - (optional) - Text #
# Command which interfaces with your monitoring software or email, allows you to pass the success message #
# generated from SnapCreator into your own monitoring infrastructure. The %SUCCESS_MSG variable is the success #
# message for Snap Creator #
# SC_AGENT_UNQUIESCE_TIMEOUT - (optional) - Number - (\d+) #
# Time to wait after a database quiesce operation to bring back the database into normal operation mode again. #
# This is only available in combination with SC_AGENT_WATCHDOG_ENABLE set to Y #
# SC_AGENT_WATCHDOG_ENABLE - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# Snap Creator starts a watchdog process while quiescing the database. After the period specified with #
# SC_AGENT_UNQUIESCE_TIMEOUT, the database will be brought into normal operation automatically. #
# SC_AGENT - (optional) - Text - (([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-_.]*|\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}|^ *$):(\d+)) #
# Snap Creator has the capability to perform tasks on remote hosts. A task is either a defined module (parameter #
# APP_NAME) or a command specified with the parameters *_CMD*, e. g. NTAP_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_CMD01 #
# To specify a remote host, enter it's name or ip address followed by a colon and the port, the Snap Creator #
# Agent listening on. #
# On the remote host, start the Snap Creator Agent #
# <path to Snap Creator>/snapcreator --start-agent <port> #
# If running in local mode, the parameter must be left blank. #
# SC_AGENT_LOG_ENABLE - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# Enables logging on the agent side. #
# SC_AGENT_TIMEOUT - (optional) - Number - (\d+) #
# The implemented client/server architecture uses a timeout mechanism. This means, if the client does not respond #
# in the specified interval, the server fails with a timeout message. However, the task on the client is left #
# untouched (will not be aborted) and needs further investigation. #
# On server with high load or known, long running tasks like own scripts or complex SnapDrive operations it might #
# be necessary to extend the timeout and adapt this value on your own needs. #
# Per default, a timeout of 300 seconds is used. #
# SC_CLONE_TARGET - (optional) - Text - (([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-_.]*|\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}|^ *$):(\d+)) #
# Snap Creator has the capability to perform clone operations. Using the action "clone_vol" in combination with #
# {PRE|POST}_CLONE_CREATE_CMDxx to handle the storage objects on the remote side (e. g. mounting/unmounting #
# filesytems), either the module is enabled to perform all the necessary activities to #
# To specify a clone target, enter it's name or ip address followed by a colon and the port, the Snap Creator #
# Agent listening on. #
# APP_NAME - (optional) - Text #
# Setting which determines which plug-in is being used. #
# APP_IGNORE_ERROR - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# If set to Y will cause Snap Creator to not exit when encountering an application error. An error message will #
# be sent if SENDTRAP is configured but Snap Creator will not exit. This may be useful if you are backing up #
# multiple databases and dont want a single database failure to stop the backup #
# APP_CONF_PERSISTENCE - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# If APP_AUTO_DISCOVERY is used configuration parameters can be changed dynamically. This setting allows any #
# changes to be saved, meaning the configuration file updated dynamically. #
# APP_DEFINED_RESTORE - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# The normal cli restore interface will not be shown. Instead the plug-in is responsible for handling all restore #
# activities including the restore of the snapshot copy. The built-in plug-ins do not support this type of a #
# restore #
# PYTHON_OPTS - (optional) - Text #
# (Text) Setting for controlling the Python interpreter when executing native Python files. #
# APP_DEFINED_CLONE - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# The built-in cloning abilities of Snap Creator will be ignored. Instead the plug-in is responsible for handling #
# all clone activities including vol or lun clone creation and deletion. The built-in plug-ins do not support #
# this type of clone. #
# JAVA_HOME - (optional) - Text #
# (Text) Setting which points to the Java Virtual Machine which should be used for executing .class and .jar #
# files. If set, $JAVA_HOME/bin/java will be used, otherwise just java to run the .class/.jar file. #
# PYTHON_HOME - (optional) - Text #
# (Text) Setting which points to the Python interpreter which should be used for executing .py files. If set, #
# $PYTHON_HOME/python will be used, otherwhise just python to run the .py file. #
# FS_NAME - (optional) - Text #
# Setting which determines which FS plug-in is being used. #
# JVM_ARGS - (optional) - Text #
# (Text) Setting for controlling the Java Virtual Machine when executing native Java .class or .jar files. The #
# default setting is "-Xms32M -Xmx128M". #
# PERL_HOME - (optional) - Text #
# (Text) Setting which points to the Perl interpreter which should be used for executing .pl files. If set, #
# $PERL_HOME/bin/perl will be used, otherwise just perl to run the .pl file #
# PERL_OPTS - (optional) - Text #
# (Text) Setting for controlling the Perl interpreter when executing native Perl files. Options for settings #
# additional include directories (-I) etc. can be passed to the Perl interpreter. #
# PLUGINS_FORWARD - (optional) #
# Plugins forward order for quiesce and discovey steps. #
# VALIDATE_VOLUMES - (optional) #
# Snap Creator validates that all volumes where the database resides are in fact part of the backup. Currently, #
# there are some limitations. Only NFS is supported with this option. Currently, this option only checks data #
# files only for the above databases. Going forward, support for more data types like LOG will be added. #
# APP_AUTO_DISCOVERY - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# Similar to APP_DEFINED _RESTORE this parameter allows the plug-in to handle application discovery. As with #
# restore the plug-in must handle this operation itself #
# JAVA_CLASSPATH - (optional) - Text #
# (Text) Setting which defines the Java classpath. Per default, plugins/native is configured and can be completed #
# with this environment variable, which will be appended to the default. #
# PLUGINS_RESTORE - (optional) #
# Plugins order for restore operations. #
# i. e.: VSC,HOST,ORACLE #
# APP_DEFINED_BACKUP - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# (Y|N) The application plugin will be expected to perform entire backup operation including quiesce, Snapshot #
# copy, and unquiesce. The built-in plugins do not support this kind of backup. #
# APP_DEFINED_UMOUNT - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# The built-in umount abilities of Snap Creator will be ignored. Instead the plug-in is responsible for handling #
# all umount activities. #
# PLUGINS_REVERSE - (optional) #
# Plugins reverse order for unquiesce and cleanup steps. #
# APP_DEFINED_MOUNT - (optional) - (Y|N) #
# The built-in mount abilities of Snap Creator will be ignored. Instead the plug-in is responsible for handling #
# all mount activities. #
# to be filled #
# ARCHIVE_LOG_DIR - (optional) - Text #
# Path to where the archive logs are stored #
# ARCHIVE_LOG_EXT - (optional) - Text #
# File Extension for the archive logs, must be <something>.<extension> ie #
# ARCHIVE_LOG_RETENTION - (optional) - Number #
# Retention in Days for how long archive logs should be kept #
# ARCHIVE_LOG_ENABLE - (optional) - Text #
# Setting which Enables Archive Log Management (deletion of old archive logs) #


# Connection Options #

# CMode Options #

# Snapshot Options #

# SnapVault Options #

# SnapMirror Options #

# Clone Options #

# ProtectionManager Options #

# OperationsManager Options #

# OSSV Options #

# APP Commands #

# Pre Commands #

# Post Commands #

# Event Options #
SUCCESS_MSG=INFO: NetApp Snap Creator Framework finished successfully "(Action: %ACTION) (Config: %CONFIG_NAME)"

# Agent Options #

# Clone Target Options #

# Application Options #

# Archive Options #

# Plug-In Parameter #
SME_BACKUP_OPTIONS=new-backup -Server 'NGAEXTA1' -ManagementGroup 'Daily' -RetainBackups 8 -RetainUtmBackups 8 -StorageGroup 'Mailbox Database\NGAEXTA1' -UseMountPoint -MountPointDir 'C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapManager for Exchange\SnapMgrMountPoint' -RemoteAdditionalCopyBackup $False
SME_PS_CONF=C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapManager for Exchange\smeshell.psc1






[2018-08-22 13:14:38,925] DEBUG: Workflow : backup started with workflow id : 670921
[2018-08-22 13:14:38,925] DEBUG: Version: Snap Creator Framework 4.1.2
[2018-08-22 13:14:38,925] DEBUG: Profile: HRW01
[2018-08-22 13:14:38,925] DEBUG: Config: NGAEXTA1_DAILY_DATA
[2018-08-22 13:14:38,925] DEBUG: Action: backup
[2018-08-22 13:14:38,925] DEBUG: Plugin: sme
[2018-08-22 13:14:38,925] DEBUG: Policy: daily
[2018-08-22 13:14:38,925] DEBUG: Volume Name: v_nn_dcb_hrw01_ngaexta1_snap,v_nn_dcb_hrw01_ngaexta1_data
[2018-08-22 13:14:38,925] DEBUG: Snapshot Name: exchsnap__ngaexta1-daily_20180822131438
[2018-08-22 13:14:38,943] INFO: External Snapshot copy is enabled.
[2018-08-22 13:14:39,389] INFO: STORAGE-02090: Listing Snapshot copies on volume [v_nn_dcb_hrw01_ngaexta1_snap].
[2018-08-22 13:14:39,389] DEBUG: <snapshot-get-iter>

[2018-08-22 13:14:39,390] INFO: STORAGE-02091: Listing Snapshot copies on volume [v_nn_dcb_hrw01_ngaexta1_snap] finished successfully.
[2018-08-22 13:14:39,390] INFO: External Snapshot copy eloginfo__ngaexta1_08-22-2018_09.57.56__daily will be used for svm-dcb-hrw01:v_nn_dcb_hrw01_ngaexta1_snap
[2018-08-22 13:14:39,390] INFO: External Snapshot copy eloginfo__ngaexta1_08-22-2018_09.57.56__daily found for svm-dcb-hrw01:v_nn_dcb_hrw01_ngaexta1_snap using regex .*
[2018-08-22 13:14:39,570] INFO: STORAGE-02090: Listing Snapshot copies on volume [v_nn_dcb_hrw01_ngaexta1_data].
[2018-08-22 13:14:39,570] DEBUG: <snapshot-get-iter>

[2018-08-22 13:14:39,570] INFO: STORAGE-02091: Listing Snapshot copies on volume [v_nn_dcb_hrw01_ngaexta1_data] finished successfully.
[2018-08-22 13:14:39,570] INFO: External Snapshot copy exchsnap__ngaexta1_08-22-2018_09.57.56__daily will be used for svm-dcb-hrw01:v_nn_dcb_hrw01_ngaexta1_data
[2018-08-22 13:14:39,570] INFO: External Snapshot copy exchsnap__ngaexta1_08-22-2018_09.57.56__daily found for svm-dcb-hrw01:v_nn_dcb_hrw01_ngaexta1_data using regex .*
[2018-08-22 13:14:39,570] INFO: Validating policy: daily finished successfully
########## Detecting Data ONTAP mode for svm-dcb-hrw01 ##########
[2018-08-22 13:14:39,830] INFO: STORAGE-03031: Getting system version details of [svm-dcb-hrw01]
[2018-08-22 13:14:39,830] DEBUG: <system-get-version/>

[2018-08-22 13:14:39,830] DEBUG: <system-get-ontapi-version/>

[2018-08-22 13:14:39,830] INFO: STORAGE-03032: Getting system version details of [svm-dcb-hrw01] finished successfully.
########## Agent validation ##########
[2018-08-22 13:14:40,018] INFO: Agent validation completed successfully for agent NGAEXTA1.hrsc.qas:9090
########## Plugin validation ##########
[2018-08-22 13:14:40,025] INFO: Plugin validation completed successfully for plugin sme
[2018-08-22 13:14:40,025] INFO: Application auto discovery is not enabled skipping .
########## Running storage discovery ##########
[2018-08-22 13:14:40,025] DEBUG: Performing snaplist operation on svm-dcb-hrw01:v_nn_dcb_hrw01_ngaexta1_snap
[2018-08-22 13:14:40,209] INFO: STORAGE-02090: Listing Snapshot copies on volume [v_nn_dcb_hrw01_ngaexta1_snap].
[2018-08-22 13:14:40,209] DEBUG: <snapshot-get-iter>

[2018-08-22 13:14:40,210] INFO: STORAGE-02091: Listing Snapshot copies on volume [v_nn_dcb_hrw01_ngaexta1_snap] finished successfully.
[2018-08-22 13:14:40,210] DEBUG: Performing snaplist operation on svm-dcb-hrw01:v_nn_dcb_hrw01_ngaexta1_data
[2018-08-22 13:14:40,393] INFO: STORAGE-02090: Listing Snapshot copies on volume [v_nn_dcb_hrw01_ngaexta1_data].
[2018-08-22 13:14:40,393] DEBUG: <snapshot-get-iter>

[2018-08-22 13:14:40,393] INFO: STORAGE-02091: Listing Snapshot copies on volume [v_nn_dcb_hrw01_ngaexta1_data] finished successfully.
########## Storage discovery finished successfully ! ##########
########## Pre Application Quiesce commands ##########
[2018-08-22 13:14:40,405] INFO: Pre application quiesce commands are not defined
[2018-08-22 13:14:40,405] INFO: Pre Application Quiesce commands finished successfully
[2018-08-22 13:14:40,405] INFO: Validate volume is not enabled skipping validate volume task.
[2018-08-22 13:14:40,405] INFO: Backup handling for plug-in sme
[2018-08-22 13:14:40,586] INFO: STORAGE-02090: Listing Snapshot copies on volume [v_nn_dcb_hrw01_ngaexta1_snap].
[2018-08-22 13:14:40,586] DEBUG: <snapshot-get-iter>

[2018-08-22 13:14:40,586] INFO: STORAGE-02091: Listing Snapshot copies on volume [v_nn_dcb_hrw01_ngaexta1_snap] finished successfully.
[2018-08-22 13:14:40,586] INFO: External Snapshot copy eloginfo__ngaexta1_08-22-2018_09.57.56__daily will be used for svm-dcb-hrw01:v_nn_dcb_hrw01_ngaexta1_snap
[2018-08-22 13:14:56,298] DEBUG: [NGAEXTA1.hrsc.qas:9090 (] (Wed Aug 22 13:14:29 2018) Executing command [%SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -psconsolefile "C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapManager for Exchange\SMEJobLauncher.exe" -command "&{new-backup new-backup -Server 'NGAEXTA1' -ManagementGroup 'Daily' -RetainBackups 8 -RetainUtmBackups 8 -StorageGroup 'Mailbox Database\NGAEXTA1' -UseMountPoint -MountPointDir 'C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapManager for Exchange\SnapMgrMountPoint' -RemoteAdditionalCopyBackup $False; if ($?) { exit 0 } else { exit 1 } }" <NUL]
[2018-08-22 13:14:56,298] DEBUG: [NGAEXTA1.hrsc.qas:9090 (] (Wed Aug 22 13:14:29 2018) Command [%SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -psconsolefile "C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapManager for Exchange\SMEJobLauncher.exe" -command "&{new-backup new-backup -Server 'NGAEXTA1' -ManagementGroup 'Daily' -RetainBackups 8 -RetainUtmBackups 8 -StorageGroup 'Mailbox Database\NGAEXTA1' -UseMountPoint -MountPointDir 'C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapManager for Exchange\SnapMgrMountPoint' -RemoteAdditionalCopyBackup $False; if ($?) { exit 0 } else { exit 1 } }" <NUL] finished with
[2018-08-22 13:14:56,298] DEBUG: [NGAEXTA1.hrsc.qas:9090 (] (Wed Aug 22 13:14:29 2018) exit code: [0]
[2018-08-22 13:14:56,298] DEBUG: [NGAEXTA1.hrsc.qas:9090 (] (Wed Aug 22 13:14:29 2018) stdout: []
[2018-08-22 13:14:56,298] DEBUG: [NGAEXTA1.hrsc.qas:9090 (] (Wed Aug 22 13:14:29 2018) stderr: []
[2018-08-22 13:14:56,298] DEBUG: [NGAEXTA1.hrsc.qas:9090 (] (Wed Aug 22 13:14:29 2018) Executing of external script finished successfully
[2018-08-22 13:14:56,298] INFO: [NGAEXTA1.hrsc.qas:9090 (] (Wed Aug 22 13:14:29 2018) Quiescing databases finished successfully
[2018-08-22 13:14:56,299] INFO: Backup handling for plug-in sme completed successfully
[2018-08-22 13:14:56,299] INFO: Post application quiesce commands are not defined
########## Pre NTAP commands ##########
[2018-08-22 13:14:56,300] INFO: Pre NTAP commands are not defined
[2018-08-22 13:14:56,300] INFO: Pre NTAP commands finished successfully
########## Generating Info ASUP on svm-dcb-hrw01 ##########
[2018-08-22 13:14:56,429] INFO: STORAGE-01001: Creating AutoSupport message with event id [0], category [Backup Started], description [INFO: Snap Creator Framework 4.1.2 Backup for exchsnap__ngaexta1 ACTION: backup POLICY: daily Plugin: sme [Supported] Volumes: v_nn_dcb_hrw01_ngaexta1_snap,v_nn_dcb_hrw01_ngaexta1_data, Started], level [INFO], hostname [hosdcb01ocsc01 [NGAEXTA1.hrsc.qas:9090]]
[2018-08-22 13:14:56,429] DEBUG: <ems-autosupport-log>
<computer-name>hosdcb01ocsc01 [NGAEXTA1.hrsc.qas:9090]</computer-name>
<app-version>Snap Creator Framework 4.1.2</app-version>
<category>Backup Started</category>
<event-description>INFO: Snap Creator Framework 4.1.2 Backup for exchsnap__ngaexta1 ACTION: backup POLICY: daily Plugin: sme [Supported] Volumes: v_nn_dcb_hrw01_ngaexta1_snap,v_nn_dcb_hrw01_ngaexta1_data, Started</event-description>

[2018-08-22 13:14:56,429] INFO: STORAGE-01002: Creating AutoSupport message with event id [0], category [Backup Started], description [INFO: Snap Creator Framework 4.1.2 Backup for exchsnap__ngaexta1 ACTION: backup POLICY: daily Plugin: sme [Supported] Volumes: v_nn_dcb_hrw01_ngaexta1_snap,v_nn_dcb_hrw01_ngaexta1_data, Started], level [INFO], hostname [hosdcb01ocsc01 [NGAEXTA1.hrsc.qas:9090]] successful
[2018-08-22 13:14:56,429] INFO: ASUP finished successfully on svm-dcb-hrw01
########## Running NetApp Snapshot copy Rename on Secondary devices ##########
########## Pre Application Unquiesce commands ##########
[2018-08-22 13:14:56,430] INFO: Pre Application Unquiesce commands are not defined
[2018-08-22 13:14:56,430] INFO: Pre Application Unquiesce commands finished successfully
[2018-08-22 13:14:56,431] INFO: Post application unquiesce commands are not defined
########## Generating Info ASUP on svm-dcb-hrw01 ##########
[2018-08-22 13:14:56,554] INFO: STORAGE-01001: Creating AutoSupport message with event id [0], category [Backup Completed], description [INFO: Snap Creator Framework 4.1.2 Backup for exchsnap__ngaexta1 ACTION: backup POLICY: daily Plugin: sme [Supported] Volumes: v_nn_dcb_hrw01_ngaexta1_snap,v_nn_dcb_hrw01_ngaexta1_data, finished], level [INFO], hostname [hosdcb01ocsc01 [NGAEXTA1.hrsc.qas:9090]]
[2018-08-22 13:14:56,554] DEBUG: <ems-autosupport-log>
<computer-name>hosdcb01ocsc01 [NGAEXTA1.hrsc.qas:9090]</computer-name>
<app-version>Snap Creator Framework 4.1.2</app-version>
<category>Backup Completed</category>
<event-description>INFO: Snap Creator Framework 4.1.2 Backup for exchsnap__ngaexta1 ACTION: backup POLICY: daily Plugin: sme [Supported] Volumes: v_nn_dcb_hrw01_ngaexta1_snap,v_nn_dcb_hrw01_ngaexta1_data, finished</event-description>

[2018-08-22 13:14:56,554] INFO: STORAGE-01002: Creating AutoSupport message with event id [0], category [Backup Completed], description [INFO: Snap Creator Framework 4.1.2 Backup for exchsnap__ngaexta1 ACTION: backup POLICY: daily Plugin: sme [Supported] Volumes: v_nn_dcb_hrw01_ngaexta1_snap,v_nn_dcb_hrw01_ngaexta1_data, finished], level [INFO], hostname [hosdcb01ocsc01 [NGAEXTA1.hrsc.qas:9090]] successful
[2018-08-22 13:14:56,554] INFO: ASUP finished successfully on svm-dcb-hrw01
[2018-08-22 13:15:06,555] INFO: Snapmirror is not defined
########## Post Data Transfer commands ##########
[2018-08-22 13:15:06,556] INFO: No commands defined
[2018-08-22 13:15:06,556] INFO: Post Data Transfer commands finished successfully
[2018-08-22 13:15:06,556] TRACE: Skipping SIS clone delete.
########## Post NTAP commands ##########
[2018-08-22 13:15:06,556] INFO: No Post NTAP commands defined
[2018-08-22 13:15:06,556] INFO: Post NTAP commands finished successfully
########## ARCHIVE COMMANDS ##########
[2018-08-22 13:15:06,556] INFO: Archive commands are not defined
########## Running Snapshot copy Delete on Primary ##########
[2018-08-22 13:15:06,556] INFO: Skipping Snapshot copy delete, external snapshots are being used
########## Application cleanup ##########
[2018-08-22 13:15:06,743] INFO: Performing cleanup on : sme
########## Application cleanup finished successfully ##########
########## Agent Workflow Finalization ##########
[2018-08-22 13:15:12,028] INFO: Agent Workflow Finalization started
[2018-08-22 13:15:17,555] INFO: [NGAEXTA1.hrsc.qas:9090 (] Finalized workflow with id 670921
[2018-08-22 13:15:17,555] INFO: Agent Workflow Finalization finished successfully
########## Snap Creator Framework 4.1.2 finished successfully ##########
[2018-08-22 13:15:17,562] INFO: INFO: NetApp Snap Creator Framework finished successfully "(Action: backup) (Config: NGAEXTA1_DAILY_DATA)"



SnapCreator is saying it finished successfully.


Does the command SnapCreator is running (shown below) take a backup?


%SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -psconsolefile "C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapManager for Exchange\SMEJobLauncher.exe" -command "&{new-backup new-backup -Server 'NGAEXTA1' -ManagementGroup 'Daily' -RetainBackups 8 -RetainUtmBackups 8 -StorageGroup 'Mailbox Database\NGAEXTA1' -UseMountPoint -MountPointDir 'C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapManager for Exchange\SnapMgrMountPoint' -RemoteAdditionalCopyBackup $False

Yes it is creating snaps(from snapmanager and snapdrive) but from snapcreator it is not working .

And one more thing from snapmanager it is not updating snapmirror.