NetApp Learning Services Discussions

Configuring serial number and system ID for the second node


I have first cluster setup on Esx server in Vsphere lab.

I'm using ONTAP_8.3_Installation_and_setup_Guide.pdf.

Although some of the steps seem to be different like it asked for node interface ports and Ip before the cluster management, (on the pdf its reversed)

Now I'm at the point where the instuctions say "The simulator should not be shut down at this time. The console window can be minimized while you set up the second node in the cluster (if required)."


I'm Not sure if requried.

But I go ahead to setup second node in the cluster and here are the instuction below. My issue is I don't have any ports listed under step 5. or 6. And not sure what they mean by step 4. edit node two



Configuring serial number and system ID for the second node You must perform an additional step on the second node because the storage system ID is hardcoded in the provided Simulate ONTAP image. Each Simulate ONTAP node in a cluster must have a unique System ID. Steps


 1. Download and extract a second set of simulator files for the second node as described in Downloading Simulate ONTAP software on page 6. 


2. Navigate to C:\Virtual Machines\vsim-DOTxxx-cm and rename the new folder as vsimcm-N2 to identify it as the second node. 


3. Register the virtual machine. 


4. Edit node two Virtual Machine Settings.


 5. Under the Hardware tab, select the Serial Port device and rename the Use named pipe to \\.\pipe\vsim-cm-N2-cons (vsim-cm-N2 is the name of the simulator folder).


 6. Under the Hardware tab, select the Serial Port 2 device and rename the Use named pipe to \\.\pipe\vsim-cm-N2-gdb
