Hi team
The domain AD "DEMO.NETAPP.COM" is configured for the SVM1.if we changed the AD administration password
in the windows domain AD. is there any action also required on the ontap site ?
Do we also need to change the AD password on ontap side with the commands "
vserver active-directory password-reset" or "vserver cifs domain password reset" ?
version: ontap 9.11
cluster1::> vserver services name-service ns-switch show -vserver svm1
Vserver Database Order
--------------- ------------ ---------
svm1 hosts files,
svm1 group files
svm1 passwd files
svm1 netgroup files
svm1 namemap files
5 entries were displayed.
cluster1::> vserver cifs domain trusts show -node cluster1-01 -vserver svm1
Node: cluster1-01
Vserver: svm1
Home Domain Name: DEMO.NETAPP.COM
Trusted Domain Name: DEMO.NETAPP.COM
cluster1::> cifs domain discovered-servers show -vserver svm1
Node: cluster1-01
Vserver: svm1
Domain Name Type Preference DC-Name DC-Address Status
--------------- -------- ---------- --------------- --------------- ---------
demo.netapp.com MS-LDAP favored dc1 OK
Thanks and regards