Network and Storage Protocols
Network and Storage Protocols
I wanted to snapmirror a share (corresponding a qtree, so I can use QSM), after it gets successfully replicated over, are there anyways to keep share information without manually create them on the destination.
Otherwise there will be a lot of manual work to do after the replication.
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Yes you need to create the shares, because shares and exports inforamtion is stored on vol0 at the source.
If you want the shares to be read/write then you also need to break the snapmirror relationship first, refer the online backup and recovery guide again for step
Look at the online backup and recovery guide.
Roughly source:/vol/volume/qtree destination:/vol/volume/qtreename the qtree must not exist on the destination
After I successfully replicate the qtree over, in order to set up the corresponding share to the qtree on the destination, then do I have to manually create the share by using "cifs share -add sharename /vol/vol1/qtree"? Is this a normal way to replicate the qtree and then the share?
I mean, is there any way not to manually create the share, and just replicate qtree along with the share in one-shot, without manually create the share?
Yes you need to create the shares, because shares and exports inforamtion is stored on vol0 at the source.
If you want the shares to be read/write then you also need to break the snapmirror relationship first, refer the online backup and recovery guide again for step
It sounds a lot of work, because a share could have associated multiple groups/permissions, so, I have to manually create each one of them on the destination. Am I understanding this correctly?
shares are exports information and stored in /vol0, then is there any way, I can import the information on the destination?
I guess, this issue would happen as well if I use VSM.
Not mention that I have lots of qtress and then corresponding shares.
Thank you very much for your quick message!
The cifs shares are found in /etc/cifsconfig_share.cfg, you can copy the file over to the destination filer, or edit the file on the destination filer to include the share information that you want replicated. If you edit the file, you would need to restart CIFS on the filer to read it in.
If this is the behavior you want you need to look at vfiler-dr