Network and Storage Protocols
Network and Storage Protocols
Good Day,
We are in the middle of a migration project from a Windows 2k3 server to a NetApp filer. I have one share that I have copied over and it has another shared folder under it. I cannot seem to be able to share the second folder using Filerview or any other tools. I can create a new shared folder pointing to the folder I want (for example /vol/vol4/P_Drive/Programs/Install/MSOffice2003) but it is a new, empty share. How can I create this share?
For my own clarity, is the problem that you are tyring to share a folder under an existing share hierarchy, so for example;
/vol/vol01/example1 - is shared as share example1
and then you want to share example2 (/vol/vol01/example1/example2) under example1?
edit:// You cannot create / share (just any) folder sitting within NetApp volume.
What you can do though, is to create a qtree within a volume & share it out - I believe the end result may be what you are after.
edit:// Apparently I was talking rubbish (Jon, thanks for pinging me): you can share a volume, a qtree and a folder, should you wish to do so. There are some further details in this doc:
It may be worth trying creating a share from a Windows mmc console if other methods fail.
I did some testing on this with ONTAP 7.3.x and a MS 2003 server and was able to create folders and sub folders on the server and then subsequently share them out on the appliance.
Seems to work for me as well using the command line:
fas3140-a> cifs shares -add test2 /vol/sharetest/testfolder
fas3140-a> cifs shares -add test3 /vol/sharetest/testfolder/testfolder2