Network and Storage Protocols
Network and Storage Protocols
Hi all, I am new to NetApp and have just set up a FAS2020 on our network.
We're experiencing a 5 to 10 delay when opening Office files from Windows 2003 servers when we access the share as a UNC patch.
If we access the share using the fas2020 IP address, there is no delay. This seems to be a name resolution issue.
We've checked DNS, WINS, etc and everything seems to set up right on the FAS and the Windows 2003 servers. Accessing Windows server shares experience no delays either. What else could be wrong?
That's 5 to 10 second delay.
Does the local Windows name on the filer (what you set during "cifs setup") match up with the name you're using to access the filer?
I've sometimes seen delays in "name mismatch" scenarios (not a NetApp-specific thing...more a Windows client name-resolution oddity).
Yes, we're using the same name as entered in the CIFS setup.
It seems to be an authentication problem, but it's very strange.
Hmm.....I'd probably try Wireshark as the next step to see what packets are going across the wire while you're waiting in Explorer.
You'll want to run "cifs testdc" from the command line of the filer to check that it is on the domain properly and is also happy.
Look at "route -s" to make sure it's not routing traffic via an incorrect network.
Check that your network config matches your switches. So if you have the default MTU of 1500, make sure your switches are okay with this, if you have a VIF configured, make sure the switch config matches this if it's any sort of active-active config, also check that the DNS entries are in and correct, and any search path that needs to be in there is.
It looks like incorrect name resolution is taking place, Have you check the nslookup for the DNS server from the windows machine where you try to open the share. Check the DNS order at the host and keep it matching as per ur order. Sometimes missing SRV records will also create issues.
So the incorrect name resolution may be possible because of wrong manual entry of DNS in the DNS server, or even there could be a stale DNS entry stays in the DNS server which may often need a cache reset @ Server.
You check the cifs testdc also !!
One more !!
If you use more than two forwarders, it will still behave with the delay if it hits a bad/dead one first.
This seems to have been fixed by running cifs setup again and selecting to just use NTFS.
Glad to know the problem got fixed .