I have a server running AIX 6.1 which already has a number of FC LUNs attached that are presented via an IBM DS5100 SAN. The IBM SAN is at capacity so the plan is to present a new LUN via our NetApp FAS3270 (running DOT 8.1.4) to provide an additional 300 GB to the database partition (all other partitions would stay on the IBM SAN), copying the data from the original IBM partition to the new NetApp one.
The AIX server has the following IBM specific multipathing driver on the server:
# lslpp -l|grep sddpcm
devices.sddpcm.61.rte COMMITTED IBM SDD PCM for AIX V61
devices.sddpcm.61.rte COMMITTED IBM SDD PCM for AIX V61
I have also had confirmation from my AIX support team who confirm that native multipathing is not working for Netapps LUNs (see below)
# lslpp -l|grep mpio
This raises for me three questions:
- Are there any issues with attaching both the IBM and NetApp FC LUNs in the above way?
- Would installing the NetApp AIX host utilities onto the server provide the multipathing required to mount the NetApp LUN successfully?
- Are the AIX host utilities compatible with the existing IBM MPIO software?
Thanks in advance,