Network and Storage Protocols
Network and Storage Protocols
We had a requirement where we needed more than 16 groups but it seems NFS on Ontap have a limitation of 16, which is actually a NFS issue. Redhat had introduced an option "-g" in rpc.mountd daemon, where with this option the limit of 16 goes away. When we created a Netapp ticket to fix this, support engineer informed me that this is not supported as of now. The only workaround is to switch to kerberos V5 authentication, which is not a option for us as we cannot switch. So how can I make this a feature upgrade in future version of Ontap?
This is supported in 7-mode, but not in clustered Data ONTAP yet.
The way to accomplish this in 7-mode is via the following options:
Turn on the support and set the max aux groups. If your client supports it, it should work fine.
Support for this is coming in a future release of clustered Data ONTAP.
I could find the first command in 7 mode, but not the 2nd one. Pls let me know i I am missing soemething..
See below:
tanka*> options nfs.max_num_aux_groups
tanka*> options nfs.authsys.extended_groups_ns.enable on
Setting invalid option nfs.authsys.extended_groups_ns.enable failed.
No such option nfs.authsys.extended_groups_ns.enable
It’s there for me:
fas8020-rtp> options nfs.authsys.extended_groups_ns.enable
nfs.authsys.extended_groups_ns.enable off
What version of 7mode are you running?
The version of our filer is 8.1P1 7-Mode
Doesn’t look like it made it into 8.1.
Go to 8.1.4. It’s in there:
fas6070-rtp> version
NetApp Release 8.1.4 7-Mode: Wed Nov 20 16:16:17 PST 2013
fas6070-rtp> priv set diag
Warning: These diagnostic commands are for use by NetApp
personnel only.
fas6070-rtp*> options nfs.authsys.extended_groups_ns.enable
nfs.authsys.extended_groups_ns.enable off
Ok, we will plan in our next downtime. Thanks anyway..