I also tried to modify the export manually. Below is a bit of my /etc/exports file:
#Auto-generated by setup Mon Sep 15 15:16:44 IST 2008
/vol/vol0 -sec=sys,rw,root=,nosuid
/vol/repository -actual=/vol/repository/qtree,sec=sys,rw,anon=0
/vol/repository/isos -actual=/vol/repository/qtree/isos ,sec=sys,rw,root=,nosuid
/vol/repository/pcimages -actual=/vol/repository/qtree/pcimages,sec=sys,rw,anon=0
And this is what happens when I try to reload the exports file:
filer01> exportfs -a
exportfs [Line 4]: actual path is already used as an actual path, /vol/repository/isos not exported