Network and Storage Protocols
Network and Storage Protocols
the question maybe a basic one, but could not figure it out myself. Please see the following
"share1" is the share I created, and everyone has the full access. The filer has been setup in a domain controller. from window site, I don't have the problem to access "netapp" share, but why I can not access "share1"? Please help me out.
nas1> cifs shares
Name Mount Point Description
---- ----------- -----------
ETC$ /etc Remote Administration
BUILTIN\Administrators / Full Control
C$ / Remote Administration
BUILTIN\Administrators / Full Control
root / Full Control
netapp /vol/test1/home
everyone / Full Control
share1 /vol/testvol_dest
everyone / Full Control
Can you please share the error what you are getting and the out put of nas1> vol status testvol_dest & nas1 > vol options testvol_dest
the following error on my laptop where I am trying to map the share, it's kind of missleading. the first, it shows me access denied, then it shows me the following message, after I tried more than one times:
nas1> vol status testvol_dest
Volume State Status Options
testvol_dest online raid_dp, flex nosnap=on, snapmirrored=on,
snapmirrored create_ucode=on,
read-only maxdirsize=31457,
Containing aggregate: 'aggr1'
nas1> vol options testvol_dest
nosnap=on, nosnapdir=off, minra=off, no_atime_update=off, nvfail=off,
ignore_inconsistent=off, snapmirrored=on, create_ucode=on,
convert_ucode=off, maxdirsize=31457, schedsnapname=ordinal,
fs_size_fixed=on, compression=off, guarantee=volume, svo_enable=off,
svo_checksum=off, svo_allow_rman=off, svo_reject_errors=off,
no_i2p=off, fractional_reserve=100, extent=off, try_first=volume_grow,
read_realloc=off, snapshot_clone_dependency=off
please let me know where and how can I check "access right"?
Hi netappmagic ,
I am curious to know from the vol status output that why you need to create a share on read only volume (snapmirrored ) ?
Might be this is reason you are not able to access the share correct me if i am wrong .I never tried making share on snapmirror dest volume
After I create a brand new volume. It works now. You are absolutely right, I should not use that volume. Thanks a lot!
now, I have a follow-up question.
I can log into the share by using the ID and password on the NAS storage. What should I do to use one of DC ID's to log into it? since this NAS has already been included in the DC domain, If I use a DC id, I am getting the same error window as shown in my early message. This share has FULL CONTROL to EVERYONE.
Hi netappmagic ,
I am not getting what do you mean by log into the share ? Can you explain it better or if you have screenshot for the share login .
Hi Ashwin,
I got that resolved. What I meant is to use id and password to get the access to the share when I map the share on my laptop.
Just one more question, it seems my questions never end.
what relationship between shares and qtree. Based on the following output, I have a share "cifsshare" created on /vol/cifstest, then any qtree exist in this picture? or is the qtree the directory I created under the share? anyway I can see the directory on the NAS?
nas1> cifs shares
cifsshare /vol/cifstest
everyone / Full Control
Hi netappmagic ,
1) Qtree =quota tree . Its a logical partition inside the volume used to provide quota management . Used in IPSAN enviornment to hold the lun . A volume can have multiple qtree's to hold multiple lun .Also used in NAS enviornment to provide storage to multiple shares .
Structure - /vol/volumename/qtree
2) Share is created in NAS enviornment for accessing the share resources to whom having appropriate rights
hope this can explain