Network and Storage Protocols
Network and Storage Protocols
I have the question of cDOT CIFS share property showsnapshot.
whether enable or disable the showsnapshot property, I can always access the ~snapshot directory when mannulay entering the path of the \~snapshot. So how does this property take effect?
As the guide of File Access cDOT831,Page314
When the showsnapshot share property is disabled, a user on a Windows client using SMB 2.x
cannot view the ~snapshot directory and cannot access Snapshot copies within the ~snapshot
directory, even when manually entering the path to the ~snapshot directory or to specific Snapshot
copies within the directory.
When the showsnapshot share property is enabled, a user on a Windows client using SMB 2.x still
cannot view the ~snapshot directory either at the root of the share or within any junction or
directory below the root of the share. However, after connecting to a share, the user can access the
hidden ~snapshot directory by manually appending \~snapshot to the end of the share path.
CIFS share output:
nyn001c1::> version
NetApp Release 8.3.1P1: Fri Oct 02 11:25:22 UTC 2015
nyn001c1::> vol show -fields snapdir-access -volume nyn001f1v2,nyn001f1v1
vserver volume snapdir-access
-------- ---------- --------------
nyn001f1 nyn001f1v1 true
nyn001f1 nyn001f1v2 true
2 entries were displayed.
nyn001c1::> cifs share show -share-name nyn001f1v2
Vserver Share Path Properties Comment ACL
-------------- ------------- ----------------- ---------- -------- -----------
nyn001f1 nyn001f1v2 /nyn001f1v2 oplocks - Everyone / Full Control
nyn001c1::> cifs share show -share-name nyn001f1v1
Vserver Share Path Properties Comment ACL
-------------- ------------- ----------------- ---------- -------- -----------
nyn001f1 nyn001f1v1 /nyn001f1v1 oplocks - Everyone / Full Control
Windows access:
Do you have load sharing mirrors of svm root? "snapmirror show -type LS" to check. You may need to update the mirror to reflect the change in the namespace. If LS mirrors, "snapmirror update ..." is what I would run.. then also make sure the schedule is running for updates "snapmirror show -fields schedule".
Nope, there is no LS mirror in this SVM.