Network and Storage Protocols
Network and Storage Protocols
Hi i need to change the name and the ip of a vif interface on a 7-mode netapp filer could you please advise me on the best way first i m thinking of editing /etc/hosts with wordpad by cifs acess
name:f-ammout new name f-ammout_old
vif inteface: giga0
here content of hosts file ... localhost
old_ip f-ammout f-ammout-giga0
... so by changing it like
new ip f-ammout_old f-ammout_old-giga0
save the file with wordpad then editing rc file
content of rc file ...
#Regenerated by registry Thu Aug 02 10:27:43 EEST 2012
hostname f-ammout
timezone Europe/Istanbul
vif create single giga0 e0a e0b
savecore ...
so changing on the rc file only the hostname like below
hostname f-ammout_old
and save the file
then by console launching command
hostname f-ammout_old
now changing the ip of the vif interface giga0 online to block acess to the old filer to users and do some stuff
ifconfig giga0 down
ifconfig giga0
ifconfig giga0 new_ip
ifconfig giga0 up
then after stuff done reboot the filer
can you please tell me is this a correct steps for the opération ?
Solved! See The Solution
Your instructions are almost good.
To make changes permanent across reboot on filer : rc & hosts file must be edited
ssh to filer:
filer>rdfile /etc/rc [copy paste into notepad wordpad is not necessary]
Once changes are made in the notepad, write it out!
filer>wrfile /etc/rc
example change:
ifconfig vif0 `hostname`-vif0 blah blah
Press ctl+c to commit the changes.
Repeat the same for /etc/hosts as well.
2) /etc/hosts
example change:
Also, to change filer name:
a) Add the new_name entry into the /etc/hosts file
b) filer>hostname new_name
It will immediately reflect.
To reflect the IP change while the FILER is ON:
filer>ifconfig vif0 <NEW IP ADDRESS> netmask <NEW SUBNET MASK>
Note: Any changes made with 'ifconfig' command are not persistent across reboot, and therefore they must also be added to rc & hosts file. Reboot is not necessary but if the filer reboots in future, it will retain the settings/changes you have made.
Another KB for refence purpose:{In case it is multi-mode vif & Services will be hampered}
Your instructions are almost good.
To make changes permanent across reboot on filer : rc & hosts file must be edited
ssh to filer:
filer>rdfile /etc/rc [copy paste into notepad wordpad is not necessary]
Once changes are made in the notepad, write it out!
filer>wrfile /etc/rc
example change:
ifconfig vif0 `hostname`-vif0 blah blah
Press ctl+c to commit the changes.
Repeat the same for /etc/hosts as well.
2) /etc/hosts
example change:
Also, to change filer name:
a) Add the new_name entry into the /etc/hosts file
b) filer>hostname new_name
It will immediately reflect.
To reflect the IP change while the FILER is ON:
filer>ifconfig vif0 <NEW IP ADDRESS> netmask <NEW SUBNET MASK>
Note: Any changes made with 'ifconfig' command are not persistent across reboot, and therefore they must also be added to rc & hosts file. Reboot is not necessary but if the filer reboots in future, it will retain the settings/changes you have made.
Another KB for refence purpose:{In case it is multi-mode vif & Services will be hampered}
thank you i followed your advise