Network and Storage Protocols
Network and Storage Protocols
hi guys, i hope someone of you can help me with my problem or maybe i've some errors in reasoning the docs / howtos
following setup:
1x FAS 3140 / 2 heads active/active mode
ontap 8.0.1 7-mode
2x 4Port Gigabit nics + onboard nics
cisco 6509 core switch
backupserver ibm3550 with staging storage + 1x4port Gigabit nic
fas3140 connected with 4x1GB lanes to 6509
ibm-server connected with 4x1GB lanes to 6509
config on netapp rc file:
#Regenerated by registry Thu Aug 05 19:42:03 GMT+02:00 2010
#Auto-generated by setup Wed Apr 29 12:25:34 CEST 2009
hostname STORE
vif create lacp vif0 -b port e4a e4b e4c e4d
vif create lacp vif1 -b port e0a e0b
vif create single vif2 vif0 vif1
vlan create vif2 110
vif favor vif0
ifconfig vif2-110 `hostname`-vif2-110 netmask partner vif2-110
ifconfig e0M `hostname`-e0M netmask partner e0M
route add default 1
routed on
vif create lacp vif3 -b port e3a e3b
vif create lacp vif4 -b port e3c e3d
vif create single vif5 vif3 vif4
vif favor vif3
ifconfig vif5 netmask partner vif5
options dns.enable on
options nis.enable off
config on 6509:
port-channel load-balance src-dst-mixed-ip-port
interface Port-channel120
description Backup
switchport access vlan 820
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport mode access
switchport nonegotiate
lacp max-bundle 4
interface GigabitEthernet1/12
description Backup
switchport access vlan 820
switchport mode access
switchport nonegotiate
channel-protocol lacp
channel-group 120 mode active
interface GigabitEthernet1/31
description Backup
switchport access vlan 820
switchport mode access
switchport nonegotiate
channel-protocol lacp
channel-group 120 mode active
interface GigabitEthernet2/1
description Backup
switchport access vlan 820
switchport mode access
switchport nonegotiate
channel-protocol lacp
channel-group 120 mode active
interface GigabitEthernet2/11
description Backup
switchport access vlan 820
switchport mode access
switchport nonegotiate
channel-protocol lacp
channel-group 120 mode active
interface Port-channel100
description Storage-Head0-Act
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport trunk allowed vlan 110
switchport mode trunk
lacp max-bundle 4
interface GigabitEthernet1/15
description Storage-Head0-E4D
switchport trunk allowed vlan 110
switchport mode trunk
spanning-tree portfast edge trunk
channel-protocol lacp
channel-group 100 mode active
interface GigabitEthernet1/23
description Storage-Head0-E4A
switchport trunk allowed vlan 110
switchport mode trunk
spanning-tree portfast edge trunk
channel-protocol lacp
channel-group 100 mode active
interface GigabitEthernet2/13
description Storage-Head0-E4B
switchport trunk allowed vlan 110
switchport mode trunk
spanning-tree portfast edge trunk
channel-protocol lacp
channel-group 100 mode active
interface GigabitEthernet2/15
description Storage-Head0-E4C
switchport trunk allowed vlan 110
switchport mode trunk
spanning-tree portfast edge trunk
channel-protocol lacp
channel-group 100 mode active
config on ibm server:
BONDING_OPTS="mode=4 lacp_rate=1 miimon=100 xmit_hash_policy=layer3+4"
etherchannels with lacp on 6509 up and working for both devices...
but: when i start a backup-job (ndmp) on backupserver (netbackup 7.5 with ndmp option)
the aggregate speed wont exceed approx. 1GB for one ndmp stream...
we did serveral tests / changes with the bonding / lacp settings, but none of them managed to get more
speed than 1GB
is there maybe a missmatch with the lacp settings? cause we are dumping from one src-ip to on dst-ip?
or is the ndmp stream limited?
and yes, i've read
maybe you can help me or give me some answers
with regards, fabian
LACP aggregates the links to a single logical link, but it doesn't provide more than a single physical members bandwidth to an individual host (e.g. aggregating 4x1G ethernet will only provide 1G max bandwidth for a single host). The additional bandwidth gains are provided by the load balancing of the servers/client across all of the links that make up the aggregate (see the '-b' option of the vif command). The other benefit of LACP is redundancy -- you can lose member links and not lose connectivity.
- Sam
Once the hashing algorithm choses a particular port for a stream, all the data for that stream goes through the very same port.
Hi Fabian,
only one NDMP IP Session will never use 4 Gigabit Links. You have SRC-IP to Dst-IP, so 100MB/Sec is your limit.
Using 4 NDMP Sessions with only one IP , will again give you 100 MB/Sec if you run "-b ip" and SRC-DST IP on Cisco Switch. Switching to Port Based Load Balancing could help on Cisco and FAS site, as every session will have a different SRC and DST Port.
hi strempel,
what do you mean with ..... Switching to Port Based Load Balancing could help on Cisco and FAS site.....?
on 6509 we have
port-channel load-balance src-dst-mixed-ip-port
and on fas
vif create lacp vif0 -b port e4a e4b e4c e4d (not -b ip)
this should mix src+dst-ip + port or am i wrong?
from the ios docs we have several modes:
dst-ip | Dst IP Addr |
dst-mac | Dst Mac Addr |
dst-mixed-ip-port | Dst IP Addr and TCP/UDP Port |
dst-port | Dst TCP/UDP Port |
mpls | Load Balancing for MPLS packets |
src-dst-ip | Src XOR Dst IP Addr |
src-dst-mac | Src XOR Dst Mac Addr |
src-dst-mixed-ip-port Src XOR Dst IP Addr and TCP/UDP Port
src-dst-port | Src XOR Dst TCP/UDP Port |
src-ip | Src IP Addr |
src-mac | Src Mac Addr |
src-mixed-ip-port | Src IP Addr and TCP/UDP Port |
src-port | Src TCP/UDP Port |
i've also forgotten to mention that we have 2x 6509, we divided the services by the heads, head 1 --> (store) cifs, iscsi, fc head 2 (hook) --> nfs
both heads are connected to both 6509, but ndmp dumps are only done @ store, so the second 6509 and head hook should not be involved in this scenario
config head2 hook:
#Auto-generated by setup Wed Apr 29 11:58:41 CEST 2009
hostname HOOK
vif create lacp vif0 -b port e4a e4b e4c e4d
vif create lacp vif1 -b port e0a e0b
vif create single vif2 vif0 vif1
vlan create vif2 110
vif favor vif0
ifconfig vif2-110 `hostname`-vif2-110 netmask partner vif2-110
ifconfig e0M `hostname`-e0M netmask partner e0M
route add default 1
routed on
vif create lacp vif3 -b port e3a e3b
vif create lacp vif4 -b port e3c e3d
vif create single vif5 vif3 vif4
vif favor vif3
ifconfig vif5 netmask partner vif5
options dns.enable on
options nis.enable off
Sorry, didn`t get that you`re already using "port".
As mentioned, one session will not use all links, it will only use one link. You have to schedule more sessions at the same time to utilize more then one link.
(Why do you put each VIF on a NIC? you should spread each NIC across physical NICs to limit vif failure)
(you should not partner the e0M interface)
Well, the first thing stat stands out, is how you create your VIFs on your NetApp:
hostname STORE
ifgrp create lacp vif0 -b ip e4a e4b e4c e4d
ifgrp create lacp vif1 -b ip e0a e0b
ifgrp create single vif2 vif0 vif1
ifgrp favor vif0
vlan create vif2 110
ifconfig vif2-110 `hostname`-vif2-110 netmask partner vif2-110
ifconfig e0M `hostname`-e0M netmask
route add default 1
routed on
ifgrp create lacp vif3 -b ip e3a e3b
ifgrp create lacp vif4 -b ip e3c e3d
ifgrp create single vif5 vif3 vif4
ifgrp favor vif3
ifconfig vif5 netmask partner vif5
options dns.enable on
options nis.enable off
On your switch, you might want to consider going to the default of source-dest-ip for your balancing
Not sure why all the extras in your stanzas though. Mine list a lot less (does not spit out the default entries).
You also might want to check to see if any errors are being generated at the end points and/or on the switch. I had a case where a bad wire/fiber was causing headaches
Given what has already been stated about LACP is true. Regardless of what your config is. The nature of aggregation is limited usually to a port per host.
An obvious question I have: Is why you using NDMP over ethernet instead of fibre channel? I assume you don't have FC capability.
Should the backup window be too great. I recommend you switch to fibre channel. As an example: Our backup windows went from 45+ hours (ethernet) to 9 hours (NDMP FC). I forget how many TB's of data it was but it's irrelevant.
Best regards,
hi magpiper2
yes, true, ndmp via ethernet
fc is in the field, but only for virtualization, not for backup.....difficult to explain, briefly speaking money, doesnt matter
i thought i could reduce the backup windows....
so is there no chance to increase one ndmp stream above the gigabit limit of on physical interface?
would it help to assign more ip adresses to the vif0 ? and starting several ndmp jobs against all adresses?
with regards..
hi netapp_fh,
Did you ever find a solution. We're running into a similar problem...slow ndmp backups using backupexec. The backup is only using one 1gb interface in the vif.
Did you try assigning ip aliases to the vif and running multiple ndmp jobs at the same time.