ONTAP Hardware

ASA A400 vs Pure X50


Hi All,
How to beat Pure? I mean this case my client wonders about two offerts. First offerts is my on ASA A400 and second one Pure X50 or X70. What arguments to use to show that NetApp is better? My first think is that ASA can clustering, but what else?



Hi there! We don't tend to talk about our sales strategies on public forums like this. I'd suggest you work with your NetApp partner teams for access to competitive strategies.


Hi Alex,
Sorry for that.
I didn't realize that asking about advantages NetApp on this forum was inappropriate.

So topic is closed


It's more specifically how we sell against Pure which is not public.


Discussions about what system is best from NetApp for a given opportunity is something that your NetApp team can assist with. Please feel free to email me (first.last@netapp) and I'll send you details of your team at NetApp if you don't have them.


Specifically to this - Have a look at the C-Series NetApp. Low latency (1-2ms) at a great price!


A bunch of what you are looking for can be found on the following page Pure Storage vs. NetApp: Comparison | NetApp

That is due for a refresh in light of some new releases and announcements over the last six to eight months, but it is a good place to start.

If you're looking at an X50 or an X70, then the chances are that your customer is also looking at a SAN only array with at least 120TB of raw capacity. If so you should probably look at an ASA-C400 or ASA-C800 as one of your options that you propose to your customer.

If you haven't already, go and do a quick comparison over at NetApp TCO Calculator for both an ASA-C250 and the ASA-A800 and you'll see the 3 year TCO for 120 TB raw is less than half that of the equivalent //X50 or //X70.  If your customer really needs sub-500 microsecond response times performance (which Pure will struggle to achieve),  then look at the ASA-A800 TCO vs both of these platforms. In terms of published performance figures, the A800 leaves both the //X50 and //X70 in its dust.

Once you've shown that the price performance advantage for NetApp is compelling, you can then show them NetApp's superiority in


  • Sustainability and power consumption
  • Cloud integration
  • Data Protection 
  • Cyber-resilience
  • Multi-Layer encryption
  • Scale-out
  • Predictive Monitoring
  • End-to-end NVMe
  • Availability
  • Cloud Tiering
  • Capacity and Efficiency Guarantees
  • RAW -> Effective capacity ratios
  • Snapshot managment
  • Application Integration
  • etc etc etc 

you will need to be a current NetApp partner to access tco.netapp.com, also if you're a NetApp partner, you can access the internal comparison guides on fieldportal.netapp.com. If you don't, then feel free to reach out to your nearest NetApp partner who can help to guide you through the process.
