ONTAP Hardware
ONTAP Hardware
Can't recall if the FAS2040 ships with onboard FC SFP's or if they need to be ordered? Can someone please refresh my memory? Not having any luck finding anything that absolutely confirms either way. Thanks!
Yes they have to ordered seperatly in the Quote you have to select the check box with following text:
Please select the FCP Hardware checkbox for HW (SFP and Optical Cables for FAS20XX Systems or Optical Cables for FAS/V3XXX and FAS/V6XXX Systems) necessary at time of install for Fiber Channel Systems.
Hmm … and if ports are used for shelves and not for FCP?
They will be used for FCP. Boot from SAN.
Thanks very much. Just found that they were included in the order. Appreciate it!
two ways but not cheap
1. change fc shelves to sas shelves
2. headupgrade to a FAS2240 with 8Gbit Mezzanine Card or a FAS3210
There are zero external FC shelves so we should be in good shape. Thanks!
then you have free fc ports onboard
buy SFP's check if FC is licenced and go for it