Hi there!
Thanks for your interest in learning to use NetApp systems.
The terms of our licenses are that they are not transferrable - so even if you had the original keys, you would not be permitted to use them, even for non-revenue purposes (however I would imagine there is some level of prioritisation of action and that would be pretty low..)
Unfortunately, the FAS3240 is a discontinued system and does not support our most recent operating system - ONTAP 9, so it would provide limited marketable skills, even if you had a license set for it.
If you do not already work with NetApp systems, I would encourage you to either try our downloadable simulator at https://mysupport.netapp.com/NOW/download/special/evaluation.cgi or request a test drive at https://www.netapp.com/how-to-buy/trials-test-drives/test-drives/