ONTAP Hardware
ONTAP Hardware
I would like to shrink the allocated size that is show in "aggr show_space" for a volume.
For exemple this volume is using ~490 MB, but 78 GB are allocated!
Volume Allocated Used Guarantee
ds_bkpbkp_mirror_XX_ds_fc_rdm_XX_backup_si 78813640KB 490876KB none
The volume size is 3 GB for the moment
vol size ds_bkpbkp_mirror_XX_ds_fc_rdm_XX_backup_si
vol size: Flexible volume 'ds_bkpbkp_mirror_XX_ds_fc_rdm_XX_backup_si' has size 3g.
How can I shrink this space? I tried to change the volume size with "vol size ..." but allocated space never goes down...
For information this volume is a VSM destination, and the replication is broken-off for the moment.
Did you try to turn off fs_size_fixed option?
Yes fs_size_fixed was off. But sorry for the missunderstanding: "vol size volname xxg" was working perfectly, but the value of the allocated entry in "aggr show_space" for this volume never changed. So my question is how to reduce the allocated value? Not the effective size of the volume.
Many thanks
What is the allocated space value for volume in source?
On the source allocated space is almost equal to used... on the destination allocated has 70 GB more than used (as explained above)