ONTAP Hardware

Recommended aggregate free space if volume guarantee is set


Hi all,

I understand the concept and reasoning behind ensuring free capacity in an aggregate, however I can't seem to find an answer to the question: Is this recommended free space the same value if using Volume guarantee or no guarantee i.e. Thin vs Thick.

For examples say 80% is the recommended free space in an aggregate (I understand this figure can be debated however for the sake of this question lets say 80%) if I have an aggregate with only guaranteed volumes consuming 96% (i.e. above the recommendation), yet if thin provisioned is only consuming 70% (below the recommendation), is the aggregate containing guaranteed volume considered above the recommended limit, thus subject to potential performance issues? Or do we need to look at the actual used space regardless of this setting?





Hi Josche,

My view would be, this is about consumption of space in the aggregate, so if you thick provision those vols and they consume 96% of the aggregate space, then yes, absolutely you would be impacted potentially by performance issues and the risk associated with an aggregate that full.

However if those same volumes are thin provision and consume 70% of the aggregate, then no, you are not affected by the risks of full aggregate as you are NOT consuming that space, it only becomes an issue when you actually do consume the space, not the potential to consume it.

Hope that helps

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Hi Josche,

My view would be, this is about consumption of space in the aggregate, so if you thick provision those vols and they consume 96% of the aggregate space, then yes, absolutely you would be impacted potentially by performance issues and the risk associated with an aggregate that full.

However if those same volumes are thin provision and consume 70% of the aggregate, then no, you are not affected by the risks of full aggregate as you are NOT consuming that space, it only becomes an issue when you actually do consume the space, not the potential to consume it.

Hope that helps
