Talk and ask questions about NetApp FAS and AFF series unified storage systems. Talk with other members how to optimize these powerful data storage systems.
Talk and ask questions about NetApp FAS and AFF series unified storage systems. Talk with other members how to optimize these powerful data storage systems.
Hi all, A customer has an AF200 system wich is near of end of support and we are evaluating if we can maintain this system by ourselves. The most complicated situation I see is if one of the controllers fails and we have to replace it. As I know without support we can't generate replacement licenses if we buy a refurbished controller but what about if that controller comes with its licenses, ¿It could work? Thanks in advance
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I am rebuilding FAS 2660. after recabling the ports are not coming up. DC ops confirmed the connections are in place and network team has enabled ports from their side. need some one help on this .
Port IPspace Broadcast Domain Link MTU Admin/Oper Status
--------- ------------ ---------------- ---- ---- ----------- --------
e0c Default - down 1500 auto/auto -
e0d Default - down 1500 auto/auto -
e0e Default - down 1500 auto/auto -
e0f Default - down 1500 auto/auto -
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Hello. I new in this forum, and i'm french so my english is not very well. I buy a FAS2520 on ebay, and i want to use it. In the different tuto i read, for configure it, the software Netapp System Setup 3.1 is required. My profile don't permit me to download this software on the Netapp site, because, i have the "guest" profile. So can't anyone to send me the software ? Good 2025 for all !!
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Good day!
Question about aggregation
I have a fas 2720 with 2 controllers and 12 disks. Each controller has 6 disks. If I create aggregation: 2 aggregations of 6 disks each.
I can assign the owners of these disks to one controller, but then the entire load will be on one controller?
How can I make one aggregation on all disks using the power of two controllers?
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