ONTAP Hardware
ONTAP Hardware
on my activeiq site i got the followinf high risk
NetApp has identified various drive models as having higher failure rates, or other issues and therefore, recommends downloading and installing the latest disk firmware.
To solve this issue i have to look at the KB ID SU422
but i don't have access to this KB
how can i solve my high risk?
Solved! See The Solution
Thank you for reporting issues with accessing Support Bulletin SU422. The KB team has been notified of the issue.
SU422 primarily covers this related Support Bulletin:
Support Bulletin SU480: Firmware update for HARHE*, HLBRE*, and WVELE* drives to mitigate potential data loss, disruption or unavailability
I can't see that SU either, here is all the list.
Could you tell us what type of NetApp Hardware you got ? What OS ? What disk type ? Sometimes, it is either restricted or replaced with another bulletin. You can even raise a ticket with NetApp to find out the reason for access denied.
thanks for your answer
there a two different type of netapp
the first one is FAS8020 running 9.7P16 and has the following type of disk
the second is a 8060 running 9.7P16 too and have the following type of disk
I had a quick random look at some of the disk model's you mentioned and most of them seems like 7.2K SATA disks, I cannot tell you exactly what that alert is all about. However, the best recommendation is always to keep the firmware up-2-date. I found one KB which has highlighted an issue around one of the disk from the list.
My advise would be to:
Just do the firmware upgrade for all the disk in your 8020 and 8060 Model. You don't need to download/update firmware for individual disks. You can simply download the entire disk firmware package and run it. Ensure that the 'background disk firmware update switch is turned on', that's it. I see you are running a reasonably good (officially minimum recommended release) ONTAP version, so my first step would be get all the disk firmware updates out of the way. Once that is done, review the Active IQ site after week or so, and check out if that concern still persists.
Feel free to raise a ticket with NetApp, if you are unsure and need official guidance.
1) Download:
2) Ensure Background disk firmware update switch is ON:
::> storage raid-options show -fields value,node -name raid.background_disk_fw_update.enable
3) Download the package from ftp/web to all the nodes.
::> storage firmware download –node * –package-url http://x.x.x.x:80/all.zip
By default, disk firmware is updated on eligible drives automatically in the background with no disruption to client access if the feature 'bkg-firmware-update' is set to on.
RAID group offlining due to fatal multi-disk errors:
@grocanar SU422 is internal only at the moment: this is why you cannot access it.
Can you please PM me the serial number of the controller where it was flagged so I can follow up with the appropriate team and get it fixed?
Thank you for reporting issues with accessing Support Bulletin SU422. The KB team has been notified of the issue.
SU422 primarily covers this related Support Bulletin:
Support Bulletin SU480: Firmware update for HARHE*, HLBRE*, and WVELE* drives to mitigate potential data loss, disruption or unavailability
SU422 is now customer-viewable.
Support Bulletin SU422: [Impact: High] New FAS/AFF Drive firmware Support Bulletin Index
Thanks for all your answer.
I guess i will update all firmware of my disk by using the all package.