ONTAP Hardware

what is the meaning of the system node environment sensors show



I would like to monitor the power consumption of my cluster.

I have found the following commazd

system node environment sensors show -node * -type current -name "PSU1 Curr" -fields name,value

but i m wondering of what represent the value.

Is it only for the node?

or for the node and all shelves connected.

in case of HA pair is this value correct or counted twice?

what s about bay where there s no node in but shelves connected on pdu.?





To reinforce Gidon's comments, try to look at it from a chassis perspective.

The PSU info applies to the chassis.

There are (usually) 2 PSUs for a controller chassis. The total draw of both PSU's represents the power used by BOTH nodes in the chassis (if an HA system).

A shelf will have 2 or 4 PSUs for a shelf chassis. The total draw of both PSU's represents the power used by both IOM modules in the shelf.

Things to be careful about...

On an embedded storage controller system, make sure you don't double-count the "chassis" - it will be reported at the node level as well as the shelf level.

Shelves are multi-path HA, usually. If looking at output (especially from nodeshell), make sure you are not double-counting the shelf if you see values being shown from the perspective of each initiator path.

e.g. Shelf 2 is called 0a.2 and 0b.2, because there are two paths.

View solution in original post





You can use this command to read it for shelves:

storage shelf show -power

This is all per-PSU unit, if you know it's in a shared chassis or built-in shelf you only need to take if from one node/shelf.

Gidi Marcus (Linkedin) - Storage and Microsoft technologies consultant - Hydro IT LTD - UK



Thanks for your answer but now i m really puzzled


when i ran the command

storage shelf show -power -shelf 4.0

I got the following output

Power Supply Units:
Crest Power Reset PSU Operational
ID Type Part# Serial# Power Rating Factor Drawn Capable Enabled Firmware Status
--- ---- ------------ --------------- -------------- ------ ------- ------- ------- -------- --------------
1 9E 114-00087+C0 PSD057143924917 - - - false true 0208 normal
2 - - - - - - false false - not-installed
3 - - - - - - false false - not-installed
4 9E 114-00087+C0 PSD057143924919 - - - false true 0208 normal

Voltage Sensors:
Voltage Operational
ID (V) Status
--- ------- ----------------------
1 5.70 normal
2 12.140 normal
3 - not-installed
4 - not-installed
5 - not-installed
6 - not-installed
7 5.70 normal
8 12.140 normal

Current Sensors:
Current Operational
ID (mA) Status
--- ------- ----------------------
1 7220 normal
2 5970 normal
3 - not-installed
4 - not-installed
5 - not-installed
6 - not-installed
7 4330 normal
8 7960 normal

To get the power consumption of the shelf should i add the value of sensor 1,2,7,8?


and concerning a bay that is shared.

i have three sheves and two nodes.

I type this comand to get the sensor value 


storage shelf show -current-sensor-id 1 -fields current-sensor-reading


snap_n01 3.10 8510,8670,-,-,-,-,7180,10310
snap_n01 3.11 4410,5930,-,-,-,-,6050,8430
snap_n01 4.1 5350,7730,-,-,-,-,4210,7180


and the node give me


snap::> node environment sensors show -name "PSU2 Curr" -field value
node value
-------- -----
snap_n01 12000
snap_n02 14000
2 entries were displayed.

snap::> node environment sensors show -name "PSU1 Curr" -field value
node value
-------- -----
snap_n01 12000
snap_n02 12000
2 entries were displayed.


if i add all the value from the shelved it gives me more that the total from the node. 

How can i manage to get the total power comsuption? 



@grocanar wrote:


To get the power consumption of the shelf should i add the value of sensor 1,2,7,8?




if i add all the value from the shelved it gives me more that the total from the node. 

How can i manage to get the total power comsuption? 


For the first, yes.


For the second. The shelves independent, it should not be summed within the node(s) values.


However, if you do have two nodes in one chassis, or a chassis with a built-in shelf, for his specific piece, you should only get one reading.


Also - there reading happens once a minute on average via some serial based implementation.  so there could be some mismatch if you're looking on the same object via two nodes...


Gidi Marcus (Linkedin) - Storage and Microsoft technologies consultant - Hydro IT LTD - UK


To reinforce Gidon's comments, try to look at it from a chassis perspective.

The PSU info applies to the chassis.

There are (usually) 2 PSUs for a controller chassis. The total draw of both PSU's represents the power used by BOTH nodes in the chassis (if an HA system).

A shelf will have 2 or 4 PSUs for a shelf chassis. The total draw of both PSU's represents the power used by both IOM modules in the shelf.

Things to be careful about...

On an embedded storage controller system, make sure you don't double-count the "chassis" - it will be reported at the node level as well as the shelf level.

Shelves are multi-path HA, usually. If looking at output (especially from nodeshell), make sure you are not double-counting the shelf if you see values being shown from the perspective of each initiator path.

e.g. Shelf 2 is called 0a.2 and 0b.2, because there are two paths.




Thanl you both for your answer

It s more clear right now

I haven't though about the iom on the shelves.
