SaaS Backup Bulk Export Tool
SaaS Backup Bulk Export Tool
I have synchronized sharepoint some times but only discover our communications sites, but no group sites. The user is a global administrator. I have not any problem with the mailbox either onedrive, only with sharepoint with group sites. I don't know why? Some idea, please?
Solved! See The Solution
Confirmed: the group sites of Sharepoint aren't discovered as site sharepoints with Saas Backup. These sites are discovered as Office 365 Groups but the backup provide the full structure of the Sharepoint Site. Is good for us, although it would be nice if all the sites were allocated in one place.
Hi @Intermas,
Is this a question related to a NetApp and O365 discovery issue? or Office 365 and Sharepoint in general?
Hi @Drew_C
thank you for your answer. It's related to NetApp Saas Backup and O365. The tool discover all our mail accounts, onedrive accounts...but doesn't discover our group sites of Sharepoint.
NetApp Support told me this sites are including in Office 365 Groups. currently we are making the backup currently, but I don't know how will work it because the copy (at the moment) is very small. Neither we know how will work the restore. We are wating for the copy to finish and we'll check this.
I will tell you.
Confirmed: the group sites of Sharepoint aren't discovered as site sharepoints with Saas Backup. These sites are discovered as Office 365 Groups but the backup provide the full structure of the Sharepoint Site. Is good for us, although it would be nice if all the sites were allocated in one place.