Tech ONTAP Blogs

Control your cloud costs with Google Cloud NetApp Volumes quota rules


It started small.

You created volumes for your users and applications.  Things were running well and you were within budget.  But then:

  • A dev team created a POC in the production volume, filled it due to a bug, and caused the production app to crash.
  • Someone dumped a large collection of logs and other files in another volume.  After much investigation you found they were created by a developer who resigned last week.  You increased the storage allocation temporarily so others could work, but this increased your cost beyond budget.



How do you get things back under control?!

With Google Cloud NetApp Volumes new user and group quota rules you can avoid these problems by controlling how users and groups use the volumes you manage.  Set limits for individual users or limits that are shared by members of a group.  Make it easy for yourself by setting default rules, then set additional rules for specific users.  Here's how.


Set a quota rule for your trusted developer Adarsh to give him 5 TIB of space:


$ gcloud netapp volumes quota-rules create adarsh \
  --location=us-central1 --volume=vol1 \
  --type=INDIVIDUAL_USER_QUOTA --target=101 \


Limit the rest of your users to 1 TiB with a default rule:


$ gcloud netapp volumes quota-rules create user \
  --location=us-central1 --volume=vol1 \
  --type=DEFAULT_USER_QUOTA --disk-limit-mib=1048576


Keep that POC team from running amok with a group rule of 2 TiB:


$ gcloud netapp volumes quota-rules create poc-team \
  --location=us-central1 --volume=prod \
  --type=INDIVIDUAL_GROUP_QUOTA --target=1001 \


It's that simple.  Now when the users reach their limit they are blocked from further writes.  And you sleep better.  You can create up to 100 rules per volume and limit down to a megabyte of space.


Getting started

Take a look at the overview here.  Then set quota rules on your volumes with these gcloud commands or the Google REST API.  You'll also be able to manage quota rules with Cloud console soon.  Quota rules are supported for Standard, Premium and Extreme service levels with Flex coming later.  They work with regular and large capacity volumes, as well as volumes with auto-tiering or customer-managed encryption keys (CMEK).


Give it a try and let us know what you think in the Comments below.
