Tech ONTAP Blogs

Seamless Kubernetes storage with Google Cloud NetApp Volumes Flex and Astra Trident




Kubernetes has revolutionized the way we deploy and manage applications on premises and in the cloud, offering unprecedented levels of flexibility and scalability. As organizations diversify their infrastructure across hybrid and multicloud environments, a versatile and resilient storage solution has never been more important.


The ideal Kubernetes storage solution must be inherently scalable, supporting the dynamic nature of containerized applications without introducing bottlenecks or single points of failure. It must offer simplicity in provisioning and management, allowing admins to define storage resources and developers to dynamically provision volumes. Resilience is another key feature; the storage system must ensure data durability and offer robust disaster recovery capabilities to withstand the potential challenges of application and infrastructure failures.


Google Cloud NetApp Volumes (NetApp Volumes) is a fully managed file storage service in Google Cloud, built on NetApp® ONTAP® technology. In addition to the existing Standard, Premium, and Extreme NetApp Volumes service levels, the recently released Flex service level offers software-defined ONTAP storage that’s fine-tuned for Kubernetes workloads and operated by Google Cloud. Combined with NetApp Astra™ Trident™, a Container Storage Interface (CSI) compliant dynamic storage orchestrator for Kubernetes, NetApp Volumes Flex is an ideal storage solution for your Kubernetes workloads.


This blog first delves into why NetApp Volumes Flex and Trident work so well for Kubernetes. It then steps through creating a NetApp Volumes Flex storage pool; configuring a Trident storage backend to make use of the pool (available as a tech preview in June 2024, with general availability slated for later this year); and deploys a sample Kubernetes application that uses Trident’s automated volume provisioning.


Key Kubernetes storage attributes


When looking for persistent storage solutions for Kubernetes workloads, it's important to consider several attributes to make sure that the storage will meet the needs of your applications and the Kubernetes platform itself. Here are some important attributes to consider, along with additional information about how NetApp Volumes Flex combined with Trident meets and exceeds these requirements.


  • Dynamic provisioning. The ability to automatically provision storage on demand without manual intervention by storage administrators. With NetApp Volumes Flex, administrators can create storage pools grouped by similar attributes and map those pools to storage classes on the Kubernetes clusters. Developers can then create persistent volume claims, and in conjunction with Trident, volumes can be dynamically provisioned based on the desired storage attributes. Flex volumes are provisioned (and deprovisioned) in seconds, not minutes, speeding up CI/CD and machine learning (ML) pipelines and keeping developer productivity high.
  • Scalability. The storage solution should be able to scale out easily to accommodate growing data and workloads, while supporting many small volumes. An individual Flex storage pool can easily grow from the minimum 1TiB to any size up to 200TiB. Individual Flex volumes can go as low as 1GiB, which means that individual Kubernetes persistent volumes can be as small as 1GiB! Additional storage pools that might require different policies and settings can be created in minutes.
  • Performance and throughput. Look for storage that can meet the IOPS and throughput requirements of your applications. Flex storage pools can have an aggregate throughput of up to 1 GiBps (depending on your pool size), and with independent throughput scaling, a single volume can use the entire storage pool throughput regardless of volume size.
  • Data protection. Features such as Snapshot™ copies and restore capabilities are important for protecting data against corruption, accidental deletion, or disaster. Flex volume Snapshot copies can be used to revert a volume to an earlier point in time, or to restore to a new volume as a copy of your original volume.
  • Availability and reliability. High availability is crucial, so you need to choose storage that can withstand node failures and provide data redundancy and replication. NetApp Volumes Flex storage pools can be deployed in a regional manner, and in the event of an active zone outage, volumes automatically fail over to the chosen replica zone.
  • Disaster recovery. Look for features that support disaster recovery plans, such as cross-region replication or integration with cloud-based disaster recovery services. Flex volumes support asynchronous replication to all Flex-supported regions (14 at the time of publishing), including support for failover and failback.
  • Access modes. Kubernetes supports different access modes for volumes, such as ReadWriteOnce, ReadOnlyMany, ReadWriteMany, and ReadWriteOncePod. Make sure that the storage supports the access modes required by your applications. Trident and NetApp Volumes support all possible access modes.
  • Multitenancy and security. The ability to isolate and control access to storage resources between different users and applications is important in a multitenant environment. NetApp Volumes storage pools are peered to the GCP Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network of your choice, and individual volume access can be controlled with export rules.
  • Portability. Storage that is independent of the underlying cloud provider or hardware can be beneficial for hybrid or multicloud strategies by making it easier to move workloads across different environments. NetApp Volumes is built on NetApp ONTAP technology, which is the leading on-premises storage solution, and runs as a managed service by all three major hyperscalers.
  • Ease of management. The storage solution should come with tools or integrations that simplify management tasks such as provisioning, monitoring, and maintenance. The entire lifecycle of NetApp Volumes can be managed through the GCP Console, gcloud CLI, Rest API, Terraform, and Pulumi.

Google Cloud NetApp Volumes with the Flex service level and NetApp Astra Trident provide robust persistent storage for any Kubernetes workload. Next, let’s see how easy it is to set up a NetApp Volumes Flex storage pool.


Creating a NetApp Volumes Flex storage pool


To create our Google Cloud NetApp Volumes storage pool, we use the GCP console; however, as mentioned earlier, the gcloud CLI, Rest API, Terraform, and Pulumi are all supported options.


In the GCP console, navigate to the NetApp Volumes storage pools page and click Create Storage Pool.




At the top of the Create Storage Pool page, fill out the following fields:


  • Give the storage pool a descriptive name (this cannot be changed later).
  • Optionally provide a description.
  • Choose a region that is supported by Flex (click Compare the Location and Service Level Availability button for the full supported list), such as asia-east1. Keep the selected region ready for the next section.
  • Leave the Flex service level selected. (If this option is grayed out, Flex is not available in the region chosen in the previous step.)




Scrolling down on the same page, fill out the following fields:


  • Choose either Zonal or Regional Availability. (We’ll use Regional.)
  • If you choose Regional, select the primary Zone, and then the Replica Zone. (In the event of a zone outage, your volumes will automatically fail over.)
  • Enter your desired capacity in GiB. (We’ll use the minimum of 1024GiB; this can be modified later.)
  • Choose the VPC to deploy the storage pool into.
  • If your VPC isn’t already peered to NetApp Volumes, follow the wizard in the UI to configure private service access peering.





Scrolling further down on the Create Storage Pool page, choose the remaining options and then click Create.


  • Choose your Active Directory policy, depending on use case (not needed for Kubernetes workloads).
  • Choose your LDAP configuration policy, depending on use case (not needed for Kubernetes workloads).
  • Choose your encryption type based on company policy (we’ll use Google-managed keys).
  • (Optional) Add any necessary labels based on company policy.




You are redirected to the main Storage Pools page, where you can monitor the deployment of the Flex storage pool.




After about 10 minutes, the Flex storage pool should go into a Ready state.




We’re now ready to move on to the next step and create our Trident backend configuration.


Create a Trident backend


If you’re following along in the remaining sections, make sure that you’re able to meet the following prerequisites:


  • A running Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster with Trident 24.06 installed
  • A local workstation with gcloud, helm, kubectl, and tridenctl installed
  • A GCP IAM service account with privileges to create and delete NetApp Volumes storage (such as NetApp Cloud Volumes Admin), and its associated JSON key


To create the Trident backend, you need to set a handful of unique values to variables. Run the following commands on your workstation:


  • The first command can be run without modification. (It sets the GCP project number based on your current gcloud project name.)
  • The second command must match the region chosen in the previous section.
  • The final command must be updated to point at your local JSON key file.


PROJECT_NUMBER=$(gcloud projects describe --format='value(projectNumber)' \
    $(gcloud config get-value project))


With the unique values set as local variables, we can run a command to create the Trident backend configuration file.


cat <<EOF > gcnv-backend.json
  "version": 1,
  "storageDriverName": "google-cloud-netapp-volumes",
  "serviceLevel": "flex",
  "projectNumber": "$PROJECT_NUMBER",
  "location": "$LOCATION",
  "apiKey": $(cat $SA_JSON_PATH)


Feel free to view the resulting file; however, the relevant items are that we’re using the “google-cloud-netapp-volumes” storage driver and the “flex” service level. All other items depend on your GCP project and the location of the previously configured storage pool.


Note: Depending on your use case, you can also define multiple service levels within a single backend config, with each service level mapping to its own Kubernetes storage class. This configuration provides greater end-user flexibility while keeping management overhead low. 


Finally, create the Trident backend with the following command.


tridentctl create backend -n trident -f gcnv-backend.json


If done correctly, your console should output a table with the successful creation of the backend.


+--------------------------------+-------- ---------------------+--------------------------------------+--------+------------+---------+
|              NAME              |       STORAGE DRIVER        |                 UUID                 | STATE  | USER-STATE | VOLUMES |
| googlecloudnetappvolumes_f8e90 | google-cloud-netapp-volumes | 369d9dc4-5868-476c-97a3-672668178927 | online | normal     |       0 |


Now that the storage backend is created, we’re ready to create a Kubernetes storage class.


Create a Kubernetes storage class


Kubernetes storage classes allow administrators to abstract away the complexity of storage, so that developers can make simple choices when provisioning applications. In this section we’ll create a Kubernetes storage class, which uses our NetApp Volumes storage pool and corresponding Trident backend, and set it as the default storage class.


First, let’s view our current storage classes.


$ kubectl get sc
premium-rwo       Delete          WaitForFirstConsumer   true                   31h
standard           Delete          Immediate              true                   31h
standard-rwo (default)   Delete          WaitForFirstConsumer   true                   31h


This GKE cluster has three storage classes, of which standard-rwo is set as the default (yours may be different). Let’s patch the default storage class to remove it as the default.


DEFAULT_SC=$(kubectl get sc | grep \(default\) | awk '{print $1}')
kubectl patch storageclass $DEFAULT_SC -p \


We’re now ready to create our new GCNF Flex storage class, which we’ll set as our default storage class. 


cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: StorageClass
allowVolumeExpansion: true
  name: netapp-gcnv-flex
  annotations: 'true'
  backendType: google-cloud-netapp-volumes
reclaimPolicy: Delete
volumeBindingMode: Immediate


Finally, let’s view our current list of storage classes. 


$ kubectl get sc
netapp-gcnv-flex (default)   Delete          Immediate              true                   95s
premium-rwo           Delete          WaitForFirstConsumer   true                   2d
standard               Delete          Immediate              true                   2d
standard-rwo          Delete          WaitForFirstConsumer   true                   2d


Our new storage class, netapp-gcnv-flex, is now our default storage class. We’re now ready to deploy a sample application that will use this default.


Deploy a sample application


Now that we’ve created our NetApp Volumes storage pool, Trident backend, and corresponding Kubernetes storage class, we’re ready to deploy a Kubernetes application. We’ll use the reliable WordPress application, because the default helm command can be easily modified to use ReadWriteMany persistent volume claims.


Back in the terminal, run the following command to deploy the application.


helm install wordpress -n wordpress --create-namespace bitnami/wordpress \
    --set replicaCount=3 --set persistence.accessModes={ReadWriteMany}


This command installs the default WordPress app, with two modifications:


  1. It sets the WordPress pods to contain three replicas for redundancy and load balancing.
  2. It enables the ReadWriteMany access mode so that these three pods can both read and write to the persistent volume, regardless of which node they’re running on. 

After several minutes, run the following command to view the status of the WordPress app.


$ kubectl -n wordpress get all,pvc
NAME                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS        AGE
pod/wordpress-6cdd969f48-k4kzf   1/1     Running   0               3m45s
pod/wordpress-6cdd969f48-tdj8q   1/1     Running   1 (79s ago)     3m44s
pod/wordpress-6cdd969f48-x7gk2   1/1     Running   1 (2m37s ago)   3m44s
pod/wordpress-mariadb-0          1/1     Running   0               3m45s

NAME                        TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)                      AGE
service/wordpress           LoadBalancer   80:30864/TCP,443:30231/TCP   3m47s
service/wordpress-mariadb   ClusterIP   <none>          3306/TCP                     3m47s

NAME                        READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/wordpress   3/3     3            3           3m47s

NAME                                   DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/wordpress-6cdd969f48   3         3         3       3m46s

NAME                                 READY   AGE
statefulset.apps/wordpress-mariadb   1/1     3m46s

NAME                                             STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS       AGE
persistentvolumeclaim/data-wordpress-mariadb-0   Bound    pvc-6a99d25b-80a5-45f0-a802-655cc41890bb   8Gi        RWO            netapp-gcnv-flex   3m47s
persistentvolumeclaim/wordpress                  Bound    pvc-45b0bc1c-fc75-4a4c-b240-da7b1bfc608d   10Gi       RWX            netapp-gcnv-flex   3m49s


If the steps to this point have been completed successfully, you should see the volumes in a Bound state and the pods in a Ready state. Note the 8GiB (RWO) and 10GiB (RWX) volumes, which are a key component of the Flex service level.


Back in the GCP Console, select Volumes in the left pane to view the dynamically provisioned volumes. Note that the volumes belong to the storage pool we previously created, gcnv-flex-asiaeast1.




Click a volume name to view additional details about the volume, and then click the Snapshots tab header. As stated earlier, Snapshot copies are space-efficient copies of the volume, and they can be used to either revert the existing volume to a previous point in time or to restore to a new copy.




Finally, click the Replication tab header. As stated earlier, a volume can be asynchronously replicated to another storage pool in a different region. The destination volume will be in a read-only state while replication is active, but it can be transitioned to read-write by stopping the replication. You can then resume or reverse the replication.






As we've explored throughout this blog post, the integration of the Google Cloud NetApp Volumes Flex service level with NetApp Astra Trident presents a compelling storage solution for Kubernetes environments. We've seen how NetApp Volumes Flex is architected to meet the scalability, simplicity, and resilience demands of modern containerized applications, while Trident's role as a dynamic orchestrator simplifies the management of persistent storage.


By walking through the setup of a NetApp Volumes Flex storage pool, configuring Trident to leverage this pool, and deploying a sample application to demonstrate Trident's automated volume provisioning, we've highlighted the practical steps necessary to get started with this powerful combination.


Whether you're just starting out with Kubernetes or looking to optimize your existing infrastructure, the combination of NetApp Volumes Flex and Trident offers a path to a more streamlined, resilient, and scalable application future. With storage no longer a hurdle, your teams can focus on what truly matters—delivering value and innovation through great software.
