Tech ONTAP Editions

Tech OnTap Newsletter March 2014

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Tech OnTap Newsletter March 2014
Mina Eng, Tech OnTap Editor
Editor's Note
There’s so much happening at NetApp these days that it’s hard for those of us at Tech OnTap® to keep up with all the latest developments. This month’s feature is on XenDesktop on FlexPod®. The latest Cisco Verified Design describes a repeatable process for deploying desktop infrastructure to take advantage of the performance and flexibility of the FlexPod architecture.

Our second article comes from Blair Semple of SafeNet. Blair explains why data security has become so critical, and discusses how NetApp and SafeNet partner to deliver encryption and key management to protect your intellectual property.
-Mina Eng, Tech OnTap Editor, @minayeng
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XenDesktop on FlexPod

Rachel Zhu, Senior Reference Architect
Desktop virtualization creates a number of new infrastructure challenges around overall solution cost, integration complexity, performance, and scalability. This is why more and more IT teams choose FlexPod to simplify and accelerate deployment. Recently, Cisco and NetApp completed validation and testing of a 2,000-seat XenDesktop deployment, all carefully documented and spelled out in detail.

Find out if you should deploy desktop infrastructure on FlexPod.
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For Your Eyes Only

Blair Semple, CISSP-ISSEP, Director, Business Development, SafeNet
Big Brother, Aunt Cloud, and lots of thieving third cousins are clamoring for a glimpse of your most sensitive information. And—because of the sheer amount of data you have to manage plus the rise of virtualization and cloud storage—it may be all too easy for them to get it.

Learn how you can use encryption to bolster data security.
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Risks and Rewards of Flash Memory
Need Alt TagRip Wilson,
Senior Product Marketing Manager
Flash feeds the performance-hungry, but it’s not magic. Take a frank look at the state of the technology and the route to success.
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FAS8000 Series: Dive into the Tech
Need Alt TagBrian Mitchell,
NetApp Technical Consultant, Avnet
Avnet’s Brian Mitchell explores the technical details of our new FAS8000 series storage systems.
Read  Brian's blog
Seven Deadly Sins of Storage Networking
Need Alt TagNick Howell,
Virtualization Solutions Architect
Learn how to avoid common connectivity issues. NetApp VMware Solutions Architect Nick Howell talks with Peter Learmonth in episode #34 of the NetApp Communities Podcast.
Listen to  podcast
Accelerate Business, Unify IT Operations
Need Alt Tag FAS8000 storage and FlexArray storage virtualization software deliver new efficiencies.
View  FAS8000 video
View  FlexArray video

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