@Jas wrote:
I am looking for best suggestions in designing the Aggregates to effectively utilize the Storage space.
We have all SAS Disks each with 1.6 TB capacity.
There are 2 root aggregates of Raid-DP each has utliized 3 Disks for controller 1 and controller 2.
The Team has created the rest of Data Aggregates using 20 Disks allocated for each aggregate making it 26 TB of each Size.
Now when i create a SVM one aggregate of Capacity 26TB is used, It is not recomended to use the SVM root Aggregate for data, Do i need to waste 26 TB here, let me know how can i design in order to best utilize the storage for data.
An 8020 is an older controller, i'm not sure if it supports ADP, if it does you want to try to do ADP b/c if not you lose 6 disks total for root aggregate. Once the root aggregates are created, the next aggregate is the data aggregate and the SVM root can be on that aggregate. It's just stating you cannot put any data in aggr0
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you don't need to do it that way. You could have easily torn down the system, and 7-mode is software disk ownership, so once you tear down your data aggregate on the other node, you will be left with just aggr0, which will be your 3 disk raid-dp or if you choose 2 disk raid4 vol for the OS.
If your secondary node only had one aggregate than you need to rebuild the entire system the way you want it.
The picture below looks like partition from ADP, which is cDOT only
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I think you are talking about syncronous fpolicy products that will deny access based on policy. There are two leaders in this space, Varonis and Stealthbits. Neither of these products are cheap
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You are going to have to do something like this
invoke-ncssh 'set diag -c off;systemshell -node * kenv kmip.init.interface'
My cluster isn't returning anything
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Hmmm.. nt authority/system account is not really needed for netapp anyways.
FYI - I would have transitioned to ntfssecurity module with powershell
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Are all the strings the same, meaning four letters and then - or are they different.
regex is to pull out what you need, but string manipulation is different
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you need to use custom select statements with convertto-formattednumber cmdlet or .net [math]:: functions
select @{n='size';e={convertto-formattednumber $_.total datasize "0.0"}}
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That isnt going to help until you delete the snaps or turn snaps off or the snaps roll off. Once you delete it goes into the snap once the snapshot runs.
Just an FYI
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That doesn't matter if you are thick provisioned and 100% thick, then you deleting snaps are voluming only
So like I said you can either thin the vols or reduce the size of the vols.
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Ok, i confirmed you are 100% thick.
You can thin provision the volumes in order to keep the cluster up and come up with a plan to migrate or get more space, but I would talk to mgmt first
the command to thin them is
vol options volname guarantee none
The danger in doing thin is if you grow more than you have you will take the system down for sure
Good Luck
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Ok bad news.. Since you don't have spares.. and your aggrs are 100%, you are up **** creek. You have no outs here, epsecially if all your vols are already thin provisioned.
If your VOLS aren't thin provisioned you might be able to squeeze enough time to get out of this mess, other than that, that system will be full in no time and you will be out of luck... Sorry
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Forget about SIS. You don't have enough headroom in aggr or vol for metadata. That's not your issue.
So what is your current status? How much room is in your aggr?
Turn off off snaps below
snap sched -A 0
They are usually useless.
But what is your current space status, that's more important.
Also, is your system SATA/SAS or flash, b/c inline dedupe and inline compression aren't really good on the first two.
Also, you are on 7-mode so things are different anyways and your SIS commands show you aren't saving much anyways.
Are these LUNS or Files?
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Deleting all your snaps is not a good idea, especially if you don't know exactly what you are doing on Netapp.
I would only delete the snapshots to save production, which sounds like you might have done inadvertly.
After deleting your snaps are your aggrs still 100%.
Also do
priv set adv
sis stat
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Ok, let me see if I can try to assist you.
100% aggr is very bad..
Are all your vols snapshot reserve to to zero or do you have a reserve. Are all your volumes thin provisioned?
Why do you have so many snaps?
Sis is your dedup, not snaps.
snap reserve
snap sched
vol status (look for guarantee = none)
You're going to need to SSH into it to see some data
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