You will get a kick out of this.. I was telling my friend about this solution that they sold you and his response was "Thats when you turn around and punch whoever sold you this in the face"
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Ok, let's see if I can help out.. First, let's cover the basics With powershell 3.0 and the latest data ontap, you don't need to load the module everytime. Also, once you import the module, i'm not sure why you are running get-module. Also, once you connect to the controller you don't need to keep trying -controller $controllername, That's a waste Also for password, i tend to use prompted value ## Define Global PWD $password = read-host "Enter Root password" -assecurestring #$password = ConvertTo-SecureString "*" -AsPlainText -Force $cred = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList "root",$password So, let's see you connect to controller $c = connect-nacontroller $controllername -cred $cred Now run something like this get-navol | ? {$_.raidstatus -notmatch "read-only"} | ? {$_.state -eq "online"} | ? {$ -ne "vol0"} | Select Name,@{N="Snapshot %";E={ Convertto-formattednumber $_.snapshotpercentreserved percent}},@{N="Snap used";E={ convertto-formattednumber ((get-naefficiency $ datasize "0.0"}}` ,@{N="Total Snap Space";E={ convertto-formattednumber (get-nasnapshotreserve $ datasize "0.0"}}` ,@{N="Snap schedule";E={'{0} Weeks {1} Days, {2} Hours, {3} Minutes' -f (Get-NaSnapshotSchedule $, (Get-NaSnapshotSchedule $,(Get-NaSnapshotSchedule $,(Get-NaSnapshotSchedule $}} | ft -autosize If you want to export it you. I tend to work in objects so i would have done it even differently, but i figured i would help you out and get started
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Ok, it's much better that you have HA, but the reality of the situation is you don't have enough disks. It's virtually impossible to have anything of any value with what you are trying to do Controller A - 9 Disks Controller B - 3 Disks. Where's the spares? So now you need to take one spare per controller (min), so now you are down to 7 disks on controller A Seriously, what are you going to do with 7 disks. That means you have 2 parity disks. (raid-dp), gives you 5 data disks for 1.4TB. That's just awful You neeed some more disks
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Can I ask this question, what's the exact relevance, the point is if you had a 600gb sas disk to a 450gb sas rg, it' will downsize to 450. Who cares about the other 150gb, it's not usuable. If it has to do with spindle r/w vs small platter, i'm not sure, but what is the exact relevance
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Ok, so you have a very small configuration and you need to make some changes. First things first, is your 2220 HA, or single head. Sounds like it's a single head with no HA If that's the case, you want to do the following (my opinion) scrap aggr0 and another aggr, you need to roll in vol0 into the data aggregate because you have such a small configuration So, what I would do is roll the disks from the second aggr into aggr0, and create a 10 (or 11) disk aggr0 A 10 disk aggr0 will layout as the following 2 parity disks 8 data disks Make sure you turn off snapshots and snap reserve on aggr0 snap reserve -A aggr0 0 snap sched -A aggr0 0 This configuration will give you 3.9TB of usable disk space Hope this helps
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Guys, Unless i'm totally missing it or brainfreeze, is there not an API for DNS info for the powershell toolkit. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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I assume you are either doing iscsi luns or fcp right? Why would you need nfs, you aren't exporting nfs to vsphere are you? You do need your snapmanager licenses for sure. I can tell you i ran a large exchange environment with fcp licenses, no issues
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Ok, first let me do some math. 18 x 2 =36, so where are your spares? Also, how big are the disk, are the same type of disk, Even though SAS disks can go as high as 28, i personally limit it a little, i've done 24's, 22's, 20's, 18's, 16's, depends on the environment, and how much risk you want to take. Also, i would expand the rg and reallocation accordingly, (read the reallocate tr for best practices)
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What are your other timed options? options timed. Also, i can only speak from personal experience, but we sync internally off an authoritative source for the company internally. If your running CIFS, you want the same time as your AD
... View more everything we've seen in the past points to a domain / user issue. type whoami whoever that user is should have admin rights or whatever rights to the filer PS C:\Users\Administrator.QANBENG -< --- does that user have rights
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The only two options i see different from you are httpd.autoindex.enable is set to on - but that's mainly for http server httpd.admin.hostsequiv.enable
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I'm a windows guy in a unix world as well, but take a look at some of the scripts we developed for data ontap with powershell, not to mention WFA Is built on it. I can wipe the floor with the unix guys compared to the scripting of data ontap. That's not a question. what version of OS are you running and toolkit version? get-natoolkitversion (gwmi -class win32_operatingsystem).caption I'm not sure what the issue on the connection part is just yet.
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The reason I was asking b/c I wanted to make sure there were no jumbo frames.. Also you didn't mention you were doing an upgrade It really doesn't matter technically b/c by default if you don't have MTU size it defaults to 1500, but for consistency, i would recommend removing it out of the RC file and then when you perform the upgrade you will have to do a takeover/giveback on each node and it will enter the running config.
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Is RPC out of the question? I've used both RPC and HTTPS, and RPC is generally faster in my opinion. I went through what you posted and I don't see any glaring mistakes.. just try this one first and let me know what happens connect-nacontroller filer -cred root -https obviously filer is your filer name Also, don't worry about using a variable just yet, lets see it connect successfully
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ifconfig -a will tell you what setting your MTU's are at.. If you don't specify it will default down to 1500, which is i'm sure what you are running.
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with DS14's, it's not stacks, it's called loops, and there are max 6 per loop with ds14mk4. I'm not sure about mk2. I would tell you not to even waste your time
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