Do a man on Select-object, It will show you. It's Expression and Name Actually, you can also do this. [ValidateRange(1024,1125899906842624)] [Int64]$Unit=1GB $v = get-navol vol0 | get-navolsize $v.volumesize/$unit
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Here, give this a shot get-navol vol0 | get-navolsize | select @{E={convertto-formattednumber $_.volumesize datasize "0.00"};N="Vol size"}
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Joel - Do a quick search for a blog post i submitted that will dump out all the filers and volumes sizes etc... You can re-use the code for your liking. I see from your flurry of posts that you are just getting going on PS which is great. Start with the getting started powerpoint presentation as well. Also, i'm noticing you are starting everything with import-module. I believe in powershell 3.0 all modules are loaded. you can check that by launching powershell and typing get-module If you are using 2.x you need to add import-module dataontap to your profile.ps1 file.
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Joel No you can't do that. You need to create credential objects. But, i have to be honest, each controller has a different login? How is that scalable? How many controllers are you talking about? Also, it's easier to manage your script if you put the filers into a variable and then loop them through a for loop to control the script a little easier in my opinion $filers = gc c:\temp\filers.txt $filers | % { $filer = $_ $c = connect-nacontroller $filer (script here) }
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Justin, Give onCommand Report a shot.. I just went into our environment and created the report with data in it in 5 minutes. I'm decent in powershell, but I can't compete with that.
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I have to be honest.. Not that i'm against it, but onCommand Reporting 1.1 seems to do a really nice job at it. I love powershell, but heck, I can't compete with Cognos Developers...
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Thanks.. I haven't looked at it in a while.. If I get some free time, I'll see what I can do. I'm pretty slammed these days... It's all about creating objects and exporting them to excel.
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I'm still not sure what i'm seeing... can you do this please get-nasnapshot vol_nav_db_data01 | select Name,Created | sort Created -descending
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Ok, so I need some clarification. I'm currently running 8.1.2p2 and I'm wondering where i'm going wrong My rc file looks like # Network setup for 10 Gbit connection ifgrp create lacp vif10g-a -b ip e1a e1b vlan create vif10g-a 2508 ifconfig e1a flowcontrol send ifconfig e1b flowcontrol send ifconfig vif10g-a-2508 netmask mtusize 9000 partner vif10g-b-2508 ifconfig vif10g-a-2508 nfo route add default routed on When I fail the cluster over to the partner node, we get this message hostname*> Replaying takeover WAFL log ifgrp: vif10g-a is not mapped to a local ifgrp add net default: gateway And then I got to partner mode and type ifgrp status "No configured ifgrps present" But if I do ifconfig -a i see the interface come up (see below) vif10g-a-2508: flags=0x2bee863<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,MULTIHOST,PARTNER_UP,TCPCKSUM> mtu 9000 takeover mode (vif10g-b-2508) ether 02:a0:98:31:dd:62 (Enabled interface group) hostnamea/hostnameb> vif status ifgrp: command "vif" is deprecated in favor of command "ifgrp" No configured ifgrps present vif10a-g-2508 and I can ping it Is this normal behavior? Shouldn't we see the vif come up?
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Thats sort of the explanation I was looking for. What's really confusing to us is that there is no alarm set and we didn't understand why this would still be sent.
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Maybe my question is gettting lost in translation. I don't need to create an alarm. What I was saying was that DFM is sending that alarm even though it's not even configured
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So, aside from the obvious of the onCommand server running low on space. I've addressed this issue. But, here's my question. We received an email "Error event: on server - Management Station: Not Enough Free Space" I tried to update this alarm, but there are no alarms in Oncommand set up. I can't find how this was triggered at all. Any assistance would be great.
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B - Can you try doing an invoke-nassh -command "software install" and see if you're seeing the same results we are seeing.
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B - We do that all the time.. We do software install - Then the disks start upgrading in the background. For shelves, we do software install on both nodes and then do storage download shelf command on A node. You can do it your way as well.. I'm just finding the start-nadiskupdate to not be worth it
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