Hi Mark, Sorry, In the first place I dont know the dates or timeframes. Also even if I know, won't be able to spell that out on a public community. Regards adai
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Hi, What is the version of OCUM that you are running ? Is this dataset using simple mirror policy or back then mirror policy ? Is autogrow enabled on the source volume ? I think you are hitting this known issue bug 677951 Pls open a case with NetApp Support and add it to this issue. Regards adai
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Hi, Based on the value set for eventpurgeinterval,during upgrade or restores to version 5.2 event older than the value of the option are purged. Regards adai
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Hi The current behaviour is not going to change. BTW you can also use the dfm event detail <eventid> |grep -i eventtimestamp to get the year as well. linux-t5gs:~ # dfm event detail 276 | grep -i eventTimestamp eventTimestamp 2013-07-17 06:11:10.000000 linux-t5gs:~ # Regards adai
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Hi Instead use the events report. linux-t5gs:~ # dfm report | grep -i events- events-current-report Report of all the current unresolved events with warning or above severity events-all-report Report of all events with warning or above severity events-warning show current warning or worse events events-error show current error or worse events events-critical show current critical or worse events events-emergency show current emergency events events-unack show unacknowledged events events-perf show current performance events events-config-changes show current configuration changed locally events events-history show all historic events events-history-deleted show all deleted historic events events-history-acked show all acknowledged historic events events-history-perf show all historic performance events linux-t5gs:~ # Regards adai
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Hi Gred, Let me see if I understood your question. You already have volumes used as destination and you want to make the same aggr as a resource pool in Protection manager for new destination volume provisioning. Will this change affect the already provisioned volumes ? If the above summary is right, then the answer is the old volumes would not be affected. Regards adai
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Hi Tom, What is the version of OCUM that you are running. Can you try accessing the same with IP address instead of FQDN ? Pls open a support case with netapp against bug 737800 Regards adai
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Hi Brian, This error message comes from ONTAP. This means that a secondary qtree is being tried to replicate agains. Can you check if the relationships are fine ? Can you try on the filer and see if you can run snapvault update for the same ? Regards adai
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Hosting the dfm database on NAS ( CIFS and NFS) location is not supported, as underlying database sybase does not qualify or support the same. The DFM db either has to be local drive or SAN based storage. Regards adai
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Hi Yannick, The problem is that even though the volume is deleted on the controller, the entry for that volume is not deleted from the dfm sybase database. Because of this you are facing this problem. You will have to delete the entry from the database to get the naming properly else its will keep incrementing depending upon the entries in the database with same volume names. Regards adai
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Hi Pridhvi, The cDot Performance Advisor doesn't allow you to add or collect any new counter data than it offer by default, unlike the 7mode. Pls take a look at this getting started video that explains all this in detail as to what is possible and what is not. Regards adai
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Hi If its not an application dataset, in your case Protection Manager does the equivalent of snapvault update and not snapvault update -S <source snapshotname> The named snapshot transfer happens only in case of application dataset with PM. Regards adai
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Hi OnCommand Unified Manager does not talk to the vServer. It always talks to the cluster and get the details and information about each vServer. This same as how we did for vFiler, we communicate only with physical filer and got all information related to vfiler. Regards adai
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Hi Tagawa-San, There is man pages for dfm cli, but its not available as a standalone guide. As pavan said, it can be accessed via Operation Manager Console >Control Center > Help > General Help > Man Pages In case of linux it can be accessed as follows. linuxprompt>man -M /opt/NTAPdfm/man dfm Regards adai
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Hi, UM/DFM 5.1/5.2 for cluster mode does not monitor, snapmirror/snapvault/compression/dedupe. The UM 6.0 which is cMode only and about to be released soon will do all of this. Regards adai
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There is something called "objCreationTimestamp" in OCUM db for all objects. This is the timestamp at which the object(objID) was created in dfm for a volume, qtree, aggr etc. If you add a filer to a OCUM, which has 2 aggr, 10 volume, 20 qtree, then all of these will have the same "objCreationTimestamp", the time at which filer was added to OCUM. Now if you create a new volume or qtree to this filer, the "objCreationTimestamp" will be within 15mins of obj created in filer. As the discovery mon for qtrees, aggr, volumes runs once every 15mins by default. So if that something OK ( 15mins, max difference between it got created in filer and discovered in OCUM) feel free to use objCreationTimestamp. Regards adai
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Hi Josh, OCUM provides this out of the box both in form of reports and graph. Have you tried that ? Regards adai. BTW can you give me some more details on how to run this powershell script and what are the pre-reqs ? So that I can give it a try.
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Hi Rob, By default all scheduled reports are stored in the following directory. Once can also change the location by changing the value of this option. There is no way to change the behaviour of having a report email with being zipped. If you like to get this addressed pls open a case with NetApp Support against this RFE 377759 [root@vmlnx~]# dfm about | more Version 5.2 (5.2RC1) Executable Type 64-bit Serial Number 1-50-000001 Edition Standard edition of DataFabric Manager server Data ONTAP Operating Mode 7-Mode Administrator Name root Host Name vmlnx Host IP Address x.x.x.x Host Full Name vmlnx Node limit 250 (currently managing 4) Operating System Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.4 (Santiago) 2.6.32-358.el6.x86_64 x86_64 CPU Count 4 System Memory 7873 MB (load excluding cached memory: 16%) Installation Directory /opt/NTAPdfm 17.1 GB free (59.4%) Perf Data Directory /opt/NTAPdfm/perfdata Data Export Directory /opt/NTAPdfm/dataExport Database Backup Directory /opt/NTAPdfm/data Reports Archival Directory /opt/NTAPdfm/reports Licensed Features DataFabric Manager server: installed Storage Area Network Option: installed File SRM Option: installed Enterprise Edition: installed [root@vmlnx~]# [root@vmlnx ~]# dfm options list reportsArchiveDir Option Value ----------------- ------------------------------ reportsArchiveDir /opt/NTAPdfm/reports/ [root@vmlnx ~]# regards adai
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Hi Will, This issue is currently being addressed, and will be available in a subsequent release. Also the point to note here is, its not just sdw_cl but also sdu, snapcreator etc for both lun and volume clones. Regards adai
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