For those having issues, this is how I fixed it. Switch to x86 version (32 bit). In Visual Studio Code: Open the Command Palette on Windows with Ctrl + Shift + P. Search for Session. Click on PowerShell: Show Session Menu. Choose the version Windows PowerShell(X86).
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I have a FAS2552 which came back from a temporary overseas site about 6 months ago. The config should have been wiped before it shipped, but it wasn't who did it.
It's racked and has been powered on since, but doesn't seem to be getting a IP for SP via DHCP as I'd expect. Worse still when I connect to serial ports using a known good RJ45 to serial cable etc. I get no output, even on power-up.
Is there a procedure for completely resetting, like clearing the CMOS on a PC?
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Don't think you're answering the question!
IMT seems to say DSM isn't supported Windows server 2016 - I found you can't even install it, although the error is less than clear.
I believe you have use Microsoft's DSM for MPIO on Server 2016.
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Run config adviser (v 4). It's really good at telling you where you've got cabling problems. Also I seen this on smaller systems with only 4 SAS ports and someone has decided to put different disk type shelves on separate loops as they traded resilience for possible performance.
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Hi Just to put it in to simple words. Going from 7-mode to cluster mode is "scorched earth". You will need to wipe the filer and lose all data.
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After a lot of faffing and blind alleys, I have found the solution with help from NetApp. Simply create another bunch of lifs for node and cluster management on the same physical ports with the new IPs etc.
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Thanks This is a 2254, so connectivity is limited, the LIFs etc are the ones the installation wizard creates. I think I can find away to do it by temporarily designating an unused 10GB port on each head as a node management one, deleting the e0M lifs and create new ones in the right subnet. Really this post is about NetApp inability to offer a solution to what can't be that unusual a question. Last time I had a similar one they ended up recommending to wipe the filer and start again, Which I did as there wasn't really any other set-up it. Crux of the matter is CDot may be a great product, but it may be so complex now that NetApp's staff can't really support properly.
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The replacement for the 2040 is going to be 2520 or may be a 2554/2. Given Netapp pricing wrt to new systems versus just shelves (a whole system can cheaper than a shelf with the same capacity) and likely maintenance costs for a very old 2040, a new system is by far going to be the better solution. Assuming you want 400TB usable of SATA space, I'd be going for a 2554 with 24 internal 4TB disks and then 7 or 8 shelves of DS4246 with 4TB disks. If you need more performance make 10% of the disk SSD and use flashcache. Although there is a new family of NetApps coming, the 26xx - might be worth looking at or leveraging to get a good price on 25xx.
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Hi Thanks to the shortsightedness and general stupidity of our network team I need to completely change the IPs for everything on a Cluster mode FAS2554 at a remote site. For node and cluster management IPs this seems to quite a challenge. When I installed it a few months ago it had node management IP's of & 30 with a cluster management of .31. SP ports are in the same subnet and were working. Following the replacement of network switches and a re-IP, they need to be 172.16.103.x. Because of the radical subnet change I don’t think it’s simply a series of “network modify” commands. I believe it’s going to involve creating a new broadcast domain and deleting the eM0 ports from the existing one. Does anyone know if there’s detailed step by step guide to doing this sort of task, or has anyone done this before? The SVMs also need to be re-IP’d but I think that will be simpler, just a case of removing a port at a time from it and adding it back with a new IP. Thanks
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Check out products from JAM Software For free you can use their filelist utility to get an CSV file. Tip if you've Mac users pick a very obscure delimiter, we've apple users you like to put commas in filenames! The pay for product Treesize Pro has a search mode, allowing you to find files based on size, any of the date fields, names etc. This works at a share / volume level, but could create a DFS tree of the shares and search that.
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Depends on what you are using the volume for, if it's a lun the vol move command will do it. But if the volume has shares or NFS exports it won't. It is easy to break a snapmirror and then re-establish it using resync (even if either volume has a different name or is on a different filer). Snapvault, it can be done too but it's not as easy and involves priv set diag / advanced commands.
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Wow, that's is a very low price, is that third party or Netapp, just hardware replacement? It may be NetApp US has a very different pricing policy to their cousins in Europe and Asia. In Europe we buy our filers with 3 years premium 4 hours support, that typically adds 25% to the cost. Try to buy another year of support at the end of that would typically be the same as the original hardware cost.
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Hi We had a similar issue a few months ago. Assume you've checked the obvious, that your mail server has the filer whitelisted as an SMTP sender. In our case, after a lot of faffing around, a reboot of the filer fixed it. The consensus seemed to be the email daemon within OnTap had died. One the few times when I've found NetApp support less than fantastic, no one I spoke to (and we a very premium support) was able to offer a definitive method to diagnose this was the issue at the time or suggest a remedy other than rebooting.
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Hi Thanks for trying to help, I am aware of that command, but all the reports I can see are the current info only not the historic values.
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Hi Posted this to the support forum, but that seems less used than this area. We're using DFM / Ops Manager. Does anyone know if it's possible to initiate the export of the file you get when you click on the icon below from the command line. I can do it for the current info via something like dfm report view -F xls volumes-capacity-report >volrep.xls. But I'd like to create a script or similar to get the historic data for a large number of volumes to use in reports for capacity / growth reporting. Thanks
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Hi See this tread Also recently we seen this issue were certain users have preview on in Explorer on a Windows 7 PC.
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If you've no snapshot how are you backing it up? to tape or disk device or is it snapmirror to another site? Reducing / removing the volume's snapshot reserve may not help, it's that space I suspect the storage dedup process is trying to use. Aggregate snapshot could be reduced / removed to give you some wiggle room. Everyone will tell you having aggregates at 100% is not a good idea, and it isn't but I know it can't be avoided sometimes. If it's a case of you just don't have space in that particular volume and do have another volume you can present as an additional lun then there's always the Domino database / directory link facility. Going back to snapshots, when we had Domino (we moved to Exchange a couple of years ago) we used snaps as easy way to recover mail files if they became corrupt or when the user did something stupid. You just mount the required snapshot version of the lun, temporarily, as a extra drive and drag and drop the nsf file somewhere else, normally outside of the Domino data directory structure. Also, have checked for full text indices in the Domino data directories, these can be huge and are created when a user does a full text search. I think you can disable their creation on the server.
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Hi In order to run SE it will need to create a snapshot, this can be big sometimes especially if you are doing dedup and compression. I seem to remember dedup is not recommended for Domino vols, but you can't have compression without dedup although you have dedup without compression. Have you got thin prov'd on both the volume and the lun? that can save you up to 50% of the space before any SE. Also in Domino there are something you can do to single instance attachments etc, I think it's called DAOS. If all else fails, you may need to at least temporarily grow the volume or may be delete some snapshots. If you are seeing lots of free space in the host but not on volume / lun, a defrag in Windows or "space reclaim" within snapdrive can help, the later does require low or no date change rate. Hope this helps.
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I'm pretty sure there's no way to achieve what you want, all the disks on one controller and the second controller sat there doing nothing until it's needed. If you really can't split your data across two volumes on two heads, then the best thing to do would be to configure the "inactive" controller with the minimum number of disks possible, which going to be 3 disks (2 in RAID 4 array and a spare)
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I think the first thing you need to do is see what state the system is. The only way you're going to able to do this is to plug a serial cable in to the back, the documents for the FAS960 aren't on the NetApp site any more but if it's like any other filer there should be RJ45 labelled 010101 or similar. If you can get a prompt that says loader you're in luck, typing "boot_ontap" will start the OS. but without disks you're not going to get very far. If ontapp isn't on the CF card, you're going to need to set up a TFTP server and install ontap from there. All being well you should be able be to get things up and running with 4 disks, you can easily add more disk later without having to reformat. An array can span across all or some disks in one or more shelves. The X276A-R5,disk aren't SAS but in fact Fiber channel SCSI, which is what you need, the is a good source of info on the basic OnTap commands etc.
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I'll try to answer your questions and suggest a few pointers and gotcha to be aware. FAS960 is around 10 years old. Do you have the disk carriers with the shelves? You are going to need at least 3 or 4 working disks. I'm not familiar with this model, but normally the o/s is held on a CF card. If I install a PCI USB card, will it be recognized (especially for the purpose of keyboard/mouse/USB video and a bootable USB drive)? doubt it Would the filer be compatible with Windows Server 2008 R2? no Linux server OS? sort of, but you need to do a lot work. Or is there anyplace I can get a copy of Data OnTap? The filer should work via console port without any software, you should get output now, you'll get to use this serial connection to set a IP and provide input anyway. You've most likely need to install OnTap via a TFTP server. Good luck.
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