Tried to restore a volume from a snapvault system to the primary system as follows:
pricluster> snapmirror restore -source-path drsvm:snapdemo1_DP -destination-path prisvm:snapdemo1 -source-snapshot snap2
The command failed, the primary volume ended up in a volume of type DP and snapmirror show-history shown:
Additional Information> Failed to start transfer because compression is enabled on destination volume "prisvm:snapdemo1" .
(Failed to start transfer. (Negotiation for using Storage Efficiency optimization failed because there is compression on the destination volume "3cd73296-af17-11ea-80db-00a098fe1a90:sanpdemo1"))
The restore destination is a AFF300 system. ( ONTAP 9.6P3)
snapvault source a fas8200 also ontap 9.6P3
Disabling inline and background compression didn`t change anything.
Any idea how to solve this problem?