Below is an example for volume full.
lnx186-149:~ # dfm eventtype list -C "df.kbytes"
Event Name Severity Class
-------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------------
volume-almost-full Warning df.kbytes
volume-full Error df.kbytes
volume-space-normal Normal df.kbytes
lnx186-149:~ #
The events uses the following thresholds values which are set using the below options.
lnx186-149:~ # dfm options list | grep -i volFullThreshold
volFullThreshold 90
volFullThresholdInterval 0 seconds
lnx186-149:~ # dfm options list | grep -i volNearlyFullThreshold
volNearlyFullThreshold 80
lnx186-149:~ #
you can also modify the severity of an event if you wish.
using the cli as shown below.
lnx186-149:~ # dfm eventType list volume-almost-full
Event Name Severity Class
-------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------------
volume-almost-full Warning df.kbytes
lnx186-149:~ # dfm eventType modify -v Normal volume-almost-full
Modified event "volume-almost-full".
lnx186-149:~ # dfm eventType list volume-almost-full
Event Name Severity Class
-------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------------
volume-almost-full Normal df.kbytes
lnx186-149:~ #