I can´t find a documentation / tr about Backup to a VTL over multiple fabrics.
So, have you an idea for me?
The customer have FAS3140 and two ports are connected to fab1 and two Netapp Ports to fab2.
The Data Domain has also to ports in each fabric.
We have the problem, that the filer only see all VTL devices (Data Domain LUNs), when on the data domain all Lun´s are presented to all data domain ports.
So the filer had multiple paths to the tape devices. But there is no load balancing. All VTL devices are present on the first filler port that is up.
I think my problem is also descript in this community discussion. But there is no answer. 😞
Have you an idea for me or a document, where I find information about connect a Data Domain over multiple fabrics to Netapp.
Thanks in advance!
Best regards
Georg Kern