Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

Creating a Snapshot with volume creation


Hello all,

When creating a workflow for volume creation how do you enable that volume to take a snapshot?  I figured if you modified the workflow and made sure that under the attributes that the snapshot_enabled field is set to true that would work.  I have this enabled, but I don't see the snapshot.

Thank you




Hi Michael,

I'm hoping I'll answer you effectively, but to do that I have to make a main assumption... which is that you're talking about a 7-mode workflow.  I have to also ask because I'm honestly not remembering any 'snapshot_enabled' attribute.  If you have a screenshot, that will help.

For 7-mode:

  • you need to make sure you have no volume options set like 'nosnap on' are not there.
  • you would need to supply some 'snap_sched_options'... if you have this and the value is '0 0 0' then effectively the hourly, daily, and weekly snapshots are turned off.  This needs to be set to the applicable number of hourly, dailiy and weekly snapshots you would like to retain.

for clusterd Data ONTAP:

  • you would need to ensure the applicable snapshot_policy is applied to the volume
  • There are a couple WFA sample workflows that can help to guide you... I'd recomment "Create a Cluster-Mode NFS Volume"

Not certain that this helps you, but I hope it does.




Hello Kevin,

Sorry for the delay.  This is for c-mode.

When I went into the workflow, I had unchecked the option for only showing the attribute for cm which gave me the option for enabling the snapshot.  I am going through the workflow for creating the a c-mode nfs volume.  I do have the workflow exported out and have uploaded it to this discussion.  I also have included the snapshot-policy from this cluster.

TASPMONAVLS01::> snapshot policy show

                  Number Of  Is

Name              Schedules  Enabled Comment

----------------- ---------- ------- -----------------------------------------

30Min                     2  true    every 30 min with daily snap retention

    Schedule: 30min           Count: 48          Prefix: 30min

              H23:05                 30                  H23:05

Daily-H00-05              1  true    5 min after midnight

    Schedule: H00:05          Count: 30          Prefix: H00:05

Daily-H01-05              1  true    -

    Schedule: H01:05          Count: 30          Prefix: H01:05

Daily-H02-05              1  true    -

    Schedule: H02:05          Count: 30          Prefix: H02:05

Daily-H03-05              1  true    -

    Schedule: H03:05          Count: 30          Prefix: H03:05

Daily-H04-05              1  true    -

    Schedule: H04:05          Count: 30          Prefix: H04:05

Daily-H05-05              1  true    -

    Schedule: H05:05          Count: 30          Prefix: H05:05

Daily-H06-05              1  true    -

    Schedule: H06:05          Count: 30          Prefix: H06:05

Daily-H07-05              1  true    -

    Schedule: H07:05          Count: 30          Prefix: H07:05

Daily-H08-05              1  true    -

    Schedule: H08:05          Count: 30          Prefix: H08:05

Daily-H09-05              1  true    -

    Schedule: H09:05          Count: 30          Prefix: H09:05

                  Number Of  Is

Name              Schedules  Enabled Comment

----------------- ---------- ------- -----------------------------------------

Daily-H10-05              1  true    -

    Schedule: H10:05          Count: 30          Prefix: H10:05

Daily-H11-05              1  true    -

    Schedule: H11:05          Count: 30          Prefix: H11:05

Daily-H12-05              1  true    -

    Schedule: H12:05          Count: 30          Prefix: H12:05

Daily-H13-05              1  true    -

    Schedule: H13:05          Count: 30          Prefix: H13:05

Daily-H14-05              1  true    -

    Schedule: H14:05          Count: 30          Prefix: H14:05

Daily-H15-05              1  true    -

    Schedule: H15:05          Count: 30          Prefix: H15:05

Daily-H16-05              1  true    -

    Schedule: H16:05          Count: 30          Prefix: H16:05

Daily-H17-05              1  true    -

    Schedule: H17:05          Count: 30          Prefix: H17:05

Daily-H18-05              1  true    -

    Schedule: H18:05          Count: 30          Prefix: H18:05

Daily-H19-05              1  true    -

    Schedule: H19:05          Count: 30          Prefix: H19:05

Daily-H20-05              1  true    -

    Schedule: H20:05          Count: 30          Prefix: H20:05

                  Number Of  Is

Name              Schedules  Enabled Comment

----------------- ---------- ------- -----------------------------------------

Daily-H21-05              1  true    -

    Schedule: H21:05          Count: 30          Prefix: H21:05

Daily-H22-05              1  true    -

    Schedule: H22:05          Count: 30          Prefix: H22:05

Daily-H23-05              1  true    -

    Schedule: H23:05          Count: 30          Prefix: H23:05

NP-00                     1  true    -

    Schedule: H00:05          Count: 14          Prefix: H00:05

NP-01                     1  true    -

    Schedule: H01:05          Count: 14          Prefix: H01:05

NP-02                     1  true    -

    Schedule: H02:05          Count: 14          Prefix: H02:05

NP-03                     1  true    -

    Schedule: H03:05          Count: 14          Prefix: H03:05

NP-04                     1  true    -

    Schedule: H04:05          Count: 14          Prefix: H04:05

NP-05                     1  true    -

    Schedule: H05:05          Count: 14          Prefix: H05:05

NP-06                     1  true    -

    Schedule: H06:05          Count: 14          Prefix: H06:05

NP-07                     1  true    -

    Schedule: H07:05          Count: 14          Prefix: H07:05

                  Number Of  Is

Name              Schedules  Enabled Comment

----------------- ---------- ------- -----------------------------------------

NP-08                     1  true    -

    Schedule: H08:05          Count: 14          Prefix: H08:05

NP-09                     1  true    -

    Schedule: H09:05          Count: 14          Prefix: H09:05

NP-10                     1  true    -

    Schedule: H10:05          Count: 14          Prefix: H10:05

NP-11                     1  true    -

    Schedule: H11:05          Count: 14          Prefix: H11:05

NP-12                     1  true    -

    Schedule: H12:05          Count: 14          Prefix: H12:05

NP-13                     1  true    -

    Schedule: H13:05          Count: 14          Prefix: H13:05

NP-14                     1  true    -

    Schedule: H14:05          Count: 14          Prefix: H14:05

NP-15                     1  true    -

    Schedule: H15:05          Count: 14          Prefix: H15:05

NP-16                     1  true    -

    Schedule: H16:05          Count: 14          Prefix: H16:05

NP-17                     1  true    -

    Schedule: H17:05          Count: 14          Prefix: H17:05

NP-18                     1  true    -

    Schedule: H18:05          Count: 14          Prefix: H18:05

                  Number Of  Is

Name              Schedules  Enabled Comment

----------------- ---------- ------- -----------------------------------------

NP-19                     1  true    -

    Schedule: H19:05          Count: 14          Prefix: H19:05

NP-20                     1  true    -

    Schedule: H20:05          Count: 14          Prefix: H20:05

NP-21                     1  true    -

    Schedule: H21:05          Count: 14          Prefix: H21:05

NP-22                     1  true    -

    Schedule: H22:05          Count: 14          Prefix: H22:05

NP-23                     1  true    -

    Schedule: H23:05          Count: 14          Prefix: H23:05

default                   3  false   Default policy with hourly, daily & weekly schedules.

    Schedule: hourly          Count: 6           Prefix: hourly

              daily                  2                   daily

              weekly                 2                   weekly

none                      0  false   Policy for no automatic snapshots.

    Schedule: -               Count: -           Prefix: -


Hi Michael,

Since you're on the Cluster management CLI, can you also get the output for a " TASPMONAVLS01::> show -volume <volume_name>-instance " command and identify what the 'snapshot_policy' is set to?.

I did import your .dar file.  I'm assuming you were playing with the "Create a Cluster-Mode NFS Volume - copy" workflow as it was the one last modified.  I see there that you do NOT specify which snapshot_policy to use.  You have to.  You DO specify an export_policy, but that is for your NFS Export in this case.


this is where you would specify one of the snapshot_policies to use.  Since it is a reference variable, you would likely have to use a NO-OP command prior to the volume to define which snapshot_policy to use, this is where you could either use a filter/finder to find your export policy by either providing one of the above snapshot_policy names, or making it a user input variable.

I hope this more acurately identifies the information you were looking for.




Thanks Kevin for this information.  I was not very clear on what I was doing.  I was working on the workflow called cluster mode creation with snapshot and snapmirror.  I was looking at the volume creation with nfs as an example.  We are not using this for NFS or CIFS right now.  This is just a basic volume creation and then snapmirroring over to the remote cluster.  Here is the output for the volume show CHHWVCPDI02 -instance output:

TASPMONAVLS01::> volume show CHHWVCPDI02 -instance

                                 Vserver Name: lsvs001

                                  Volume Name: CHHWVCPDI02

                               Aggregate Name: aggr2_node01_LS4XPT315

                                  Volume Size: 3.56TB

                           Volume Data Set ID: 1054

                    Volume Master Data Set ID: 2147484702

                                 Volume State: online

                                  Volume Type: RW

                                 Volume Style: flex

                       Is Cluster-Mode Volume: true

                        Is Constituent Volume: false

                                Export Policy: default

                                      User ID: 0

                                     Group ID: 1

                               Security Style: unix

                             UNIX Permissions: ---rwx------

                                Junction Path: -

                         Junction Path Source: -

                              Junction Active: -

                       Junction Parent Volume: -


                               Available Size: 3.56TB

                      Total User-Visible Size: 3.56TB

                                    Used Size: 289.5MB

                              Used Percentage: 0%

         Autosize Enabled (for flexvols only): true

         Maximum Autosize (for flexvols only): 4.28TB

       Autosize Increment (for flexvols only): 182.5GB

          Total Files (for user-visible data): 31876689

           Files Used (for user-visible data): 116

                        Space Guarantee Style: volume

                    Space Guarantee in Effect: true

                 Space Reserved for Snapshots: 0%

                        Snapshot Reserve Used: 0%

                              Snapshot Policy: Daily-H17-05

                                Creation Time: Wed Feb 27 00:28:56 2013

                                 Clone Volume: false

                  Anti-Virus On-Access Policy: default

                                NVFAIL Option: on

                    Is File System Size Fixed: false

                                Extent Option: off

                Reserved Space for Overwrites: 0B

                           Fractional Reserve: 0%

                  Snapshot Cloning Dependency: off

            Primary Space Management Strategy: volume_grow

                     Read Reallocation Option: off

        Naming Scheme for Automatic Snapshots: create_time

             Inconsistency in the File System: false

                 Is Volume Quiesced (On-Disk): false

               Is Volume Quiesced (In-Memory): false

    Volume Contains Shared or Compressed Data&colon; false

            Space Saved by Storage Efficiency: 0B

       Percentage Saved by Storage Efficiency: 0%

                 Space Saved by Deduplication: 0B

            Percentage Saved by Deduplication: 0%

                Space Shared by Deduplication: 0B

                   Space Saved by Compression: 0B

        Percentage Space Saved by Compression: 0%

                                   Block Type: 64-bit

                      Constituent Volume Role: -

                             Is Volume Moving: false

              Is Volume Move in Cutover Phase: false

               Flash Pool Caching Eligibility: read-write

The snapshot is policy is set to: 


When I went into the workflow and selected the down arrow key for the snapshot_policy I only had 4 options:





I am assuming that it is a variable that I am missing.


Hi Michael,

Actually there are a couple issues here, and a best course of action for you is being discussed internally.

The biggest issue is that the snapshot_policy is identified as a Reference Variable, and that none of the snapshot_policy information is currently being cached (pulled from Unified Manager). 

A Reference Variable both adds some additional capabilites to attributes of a command.  The 4 options you saw were from the autocomplete capabilities of WFA... that showed only the variables you have defined in your workflow.

Again, this issue is being invstigated internally in order to identify the best course of action.  Someone will be responding soon with that recomendation.




Hi Michael,

Snapshot policies are not monitored by UM 5.X which are data sources for WFA . Customer has to wait for a future release(July-August timeframe) of WFA in which snapshot policy will be cached.



Thank you Rajeev and Kevin for your responses.  I will pass this information onto the customer.


Hi Michael,

As Rajeev mentioned currently WFA doesn't cache snap_shoat policy, but If user knows the snapshot_policy to be attached to a new volume then here is the workaround..!

Hope it helps..!


Sivaprasad K
