Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Good morning,
Recently we have started getting this everyday on our scheduled morning database backup. I am able to run a manual backup with out any issues however. I have tried removing and readding the schedule to see if it was bugged, as well as setting it for another time, but it still fails when scheduled.
Curious if anyone has seen this issue. I will attach some information from our log files.
Jul 07 08:04:55 [dfm: INFO]: [3648:0x2a0]: statement in backup_set_schedule_fields succeeded.
Jul 08 06:00:06 [dfm:ERROR]: [5296:0x11a8]: Could not kill existing jobs.
Jul 08 06:00:06 [dfm:ERROR]: [5296:0x11a8]: Could not kill existing jobs.
Jul 08 06:00:06 [dfm:ERROR]: [5296:0x11a8]: Database backup create failed
Jul 09 06:00:09 [dfm:ERROR]: [3980:0x3c4]: Could not kill existing jobs.
Jul 09 06:00:09 [dfm:ERROR]: [3980:0x3c4]: Could not kill existing jobs.
Jul 09 06:00:09 [dfm:ERROR]: [3980:0x3c4]: Database backup create failed
Jul 10 06:00:04 [dfm:ERROR]: [5064:0x155c]: Could not kill existing jobs.
Jul 10 06:00:04 [dfm:ERROR]: [5064:0x155c]: Could not kill existing jobs.
Jul 10 06:00:04 [dfm:ERROR]: [5064:0x155c]: Database backup create failed
Jul 11 06:00:06 [dfm:ERROR]: [2824:0x1044]: Could not kill existing jobs.
Jul 11 06:00:06 [dfm:ERROR]: [2824:0x1044]: Could not kill existing jobs.
Jul 11 06:00:06 [dfm:ERROR]: [2824:0x1044]: Database backup create failed
Jul 12 06:00:04 [dfm:ERROR]: [4000:0x10e4]: Could not kill existing jobs.
Jul 12 06:00:04 [dfm:ERROR]: [4000:0x10e4]: Could not kill existing jobs.
Jul 12 06:00:04 [dfm:ERROR]: [4000:0x10e4]: Database backup create failed
Jul 13 06:00:03 [dfm:ERROR]: [3676:0xefc]: Could not kill existing jobs.
Jul 13 06:00:03 [dfm:ERROR]: [3676:0xefc]: Could not kill existing jobs.
Jul 13 06:00:03 [dfm:ERROR]: [3676:0xefc]: Database backup create failed
Here also is an output from a dfm version
dfbm.exe (4.0.2D2)
dfdrm.exe (4.0.2D2)
dfpm.exe (4.0.2D2)
dfm.exe (4.0.2D2)
dfmcheck.exe (4.0.2D2)
dfmconfig.exe (4.0.2D2)
dfmconsole.exe (4.0.2D2)
dfmmonitor.exe (4.0.2D2)
dfmperf.exe (4.0.2D2)
dfmscheduler.exe (4.0.2D2)
dfmserver.exe (4.0.2D2)
dfmwatchdog.exe (4.0.2D2)
eventd.exe (4.0.2D2)
grapher.exe (4.0.2D2)
Solved! See The Solution
Please also check if DFM is running a script or script-plugin. The DFM backup will not take place as long as a process called by OpsMgr is still running.
I just observed this at a customer who is running a script every half an hour which collided with the daily DFM backup.
regards, Niels
This only means that during the schedule backup jobs, there are protection jobs that are in progress.
Is that the case ?
Thank you for the reply. We do not have any protection jobs that are created (to my knowledge). Forgive me if I am looking in the wrong location, but I have gone in to the management console and gone to Data > Jobs and there is nothing listed there.
If you can upload all the logs, we might be able to figure out if there are any other jobs, say script jobs or something else that is scheduled at the same time.
Also attaching the output of below command(s) might be useful
"dfm schedule list"
"dfm backup schedule get"
As requested and thanks in advance.
C:\Program Files\Network Appliance\DataFabric\DFM>dfm schedule list
ID Schedule Name Schedule Description
------ ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
18082 Weekly Report Weekly on Saturday at 11 hours 42 minutes.
C:\Program Files\Network Appliance\DataFabric\DFM>dfm backup schedule get
Backup Schedule: Daily at 06:00, archive type currently enabled.
C:\Program Files\Network Appliance\DataFabric\DFM>
Please also check if DFM is running a script or script-plugin. The DFM backup will not take place as long as a process called by OpsMgr is still running.
I just observed this at a customer who is running a script every half an hour which collided with the daily DFM backup.
regards, Niels
Set the database backup schedule just before the script job is scheduled, so that the backup starts when no jobs are started & in running state.
Check the output of the below commands
"dfm script schedule list"
"dfm report view script-schedules"
"dfm report view script-jobs"
Turned out to be a plug in script that had been configured to run at the same time. Thanks all for your help and efforts.