Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Anyone know a way to generate graphs or reports on deleted dfm objects? I deleted (and rebuilt) an aggregate over the weekend. I can find the deleted object in dfm (via GUI and CLI) and I can actually list out the latest statistics on all aggregates using "dfm report view -H aggregates-capacity" but there doesn't seem to be a way to pull pack any further info on a deleted object. I'm guessing that the stats are still in the database.
Any thoughts? Thanks!
Did you try using the deleted fields in the custom reports ? Like the ones below.
[root@lnx ~]# dfm report catalog list -R aggregate | grep -i delete
DeletedWhen Aggregate Deleted When DD MMM 24H
DeletedBy Aggregate Deleted By
SnapshotAutoDelete Aggregate Snapshot Autodelete
[root@lnx1 ~]# dfm report catalog list -R volume | grep -i delete
DeletedWhen Volume Time of Deletion DD MMM 24H
DeletedBy Volume Deleted By
[root@lnx ~]# dfm report catalog list -R volume | grep -i delete
DeletedWhen Volume Time of Deletion DD MMM 24H
DeletedBy Volume Deleted By
[root@lnx ~]#
Or when you schedule a report you can include the filed called show deleted objects.
Attached is the screenshot on the same.
I tried this and although deleted objects are listed in the reports, dfm does not generate any historical graphs for them. It's like either the data has been purged from the database or the functionality is not there to do this.
Did you try the db views ?
Data is not purged for deleted objects.
I'm not sure what you mean by this, could you please elaborate?
BTW is there a reason in looking for deleted aggr capacity ?
I created an Aggr report with the below fields and I see the capacity of the deleted objects.
[root@lnx ~]# dfm report 41 help
Warning: Use of this command for listing and viewing reports has been
deprecated by 'dfm report list' and 'dfm report view' commands respectively.
Deleted Aggr Report (Deleted Aggr)
Catalog Name: Aggregate
Display Tab: Aggregates
Catalog Field Field Name Format
--------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- ---------
Aggregate.DeletedWhen Deleted Date DD/MM/YY 24H
Aggregate.Name AggrName
Aggregate.SpaceAvailable AggreAvail Auto-Scaled
Aggregate.TotalSpace AggrTotal Auto-Scaled
Aggregate.Used AggrUsed Auto-Scaled
Default sort order is Aggregate.DeletedWhen.
[root@lnx ~]#
Deleted Date (DD/MM/YY 24H) AggrName AggreAvail AggrTotal AggrUsed
--------------------------- -------------------------------------------- ----------- ----------- -----------
29/03/11 16:20:58 aggr0-2011-03-29 16:20:58.000-1 41.8 GB 114 GB 71.7 GB
29/03/11 17:28:32 aggr1 99.3 GB 114 GB 14.2 GB
05/04/11 08:36:20 AAutoSM_aggr0_edit-2011-04-05 14:54:23.000-1 0 bytes 0 bytes 0 bytes
05/04/11 16:28:50 AAutoSM_aggr0_edit 0 bytes 0 bytes 0 bytes
This report does not include the history data. AFAIK it's not possible to extract the history data since the views exclude deleted objects.
Thanks hari, for confirming on the views part I tried, but it returned no data.
But where as the reports that I pasted do have the data for the deleted ones.