Hi all,
I've been trying for a few days now, but unfortunalty, I haven't been successful.
I have the current situation:
I have a vFiler vfiler-clemens on host filer2
# dfm volume list | grep vfiler-clemens
10931 vfiler-clemens:/vfiler_cle_test Flexible 32_bit No
10927 vfiler-clemens:/vfiler_clemens_root_1 Flexible 32_bit No
Then I have a SnapVault configured from filer2 -> filer5 on the test volume:
# filer2 snapvault status | grep vfiler_cle_test
filer2:/vol/vfiler_cle_test filer5:/vol/byd_arch_backup/. Source 04:41:14 Idle
# filer5 snapvault status | grep vfiler_cle_test filer5:/vol/byd_arch_backup/. Snapvaulted 04:41:16 Idle
The SnapVault releationship was established manually on CLI and uses the ndmpd.preferred_interface. I've been waiting for several hours now, but the Mgmt Console doesn't show the relationship under Data -> External Relationship. Am I missing something?
# dfm version
dfm 4.0.1 (4.0.1D2)
Any help is appreciated. Why does DFM not discover the relationship? My ultimate goal is to migrate the vFiler to another controller. Migration should also transfer and adjust the SnapVault relationships. Is that even possible?