Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
I have an issue generating report from DFM (OnCommand Core 5.2.2).
Here is the error I get when clicking "Share" and selecting PDF or HTML:
Unable to share the report: Could not run the report volumes-capacity-growth-report(48). Please refer dfm and dfmserver logs for more detailed information.
Here are the logs:
Aug 29 10:13:32 [dfmserver:ERROR]: [8136:0x17a0]: http_get_request failed for url http://localhost:8080/ActuateJavaComponent/generatereport?reportname=/public/volume-capacity-growth-report.rptdesign&outputfile=C%3A%5CProgram+Files%5CNetApp%5CDataFabric+Manager%5CDFM%5Creports%5Cvolumes-capacity-growth-report_6048.html&quiet=false with return value 403. Please validate dfm http and webui services are running correctly. Please refer dfm and jetty log for more detailed information.
Aug 29 10:13:32 [dfmserver: INFO]: [8136:0x17a0]: Checking local groups for user STBA\jean: Windows account jean does not exist on system LEFFE.
Aug 29 10:13:32 [dfmserver:ERROR]: [8136:0x17a0]: http_get_request failed with return value 403. Please validate dfm http and webui services are running correctly. Please refer dfm and jetty log for more detailed information.
::1 - - [29/Aug/2018:10:13:32 +0200] "GET /ActuateJavaComponent/generatereport?reportname=/public/volume-capacity-growth-report.rptdesign&outputfile=C%3A%5CProgram+Files%5CNetApp%5CDataFabric+Manager%5CDFM%5Creports%5Cvolumes-capacity-growth-report_6048.html&quiet=false HTTP/1.1" 403 28 - - [29/Aug/2018:10:13:32 +0200] "POST /apis/XMLrequest HTTP/1.1" 200 362
Aug 29 10:13:32 [Unknown:NOTIC]: jean:API:in:[::1]::<report-designer-share> <email-address-list>xx@xxxxxxx.xx</email-address-list> <output-format>html</output-format> <report-name-or-id>48</report-name-or-id> <subject-field>Volumes</subject-field> <target-object-name-or-id>0</target-object-name-or-id> </report-designer-share>
Aug 29 10:13:32 [Unknown:NOTIC]: jean:API:err:[::1]::Could not run the report volumes-capacity-growth-report(48). Please refer dfm and dfmserver logs for more detailed information.
And I get the same errors when scheduling reports too.
I tried going directly to the URL displayed in the logs, and it gives me HTTP 403 return code, with the following text displaced in the page:
URL contains invalid params
What can I do?
Solved! See The Solution
This issue is similar to a BURT# 1022610 which is fixed in DFM 5.2.3
If possible please upgrade and if the issue still exist then please create a support case
This issue is similar to a BURT# 1022610 which is fixed in DFM 5.2.3
If possible please upgrade and if the issue still exist then please create a support case
Upgrading to 5.2.3 fixed the issue.