I'm trying to install DataFabric Manager, but it won't install:
This is extremely annoying:
[root@dk-aar-toal-laptop tools]# uname -srvm
Linux #1 SMP Tue May 3 13:36:36 UTC 2011 i686
[root@dk-aar-toal-laptop tools]# ./dfmsetup-4-0-2-linux.sh
Unpacking files needed for the installation ...
error: This is not a supported platform.
[root@dk-aar-toal-laptop tools]# cat /etc/issue
Fedora release 14 (Laughlin)
Kernel \r on an \m (\l)
[root@dk-aar-toal-laptop tools]#
Even though Fedora is not supported, it should not just exit like this. I'm not going to run RHEL or any other old-fashioned release on my work laptop, it's just too restrictive. I understand that for a production environment it is necessary to to be sure that everything works, but it should be enough to just make a statement about it not being supported so that people won't use it for production. Right now I have a test environment with 12 filers in it, and no way of using Operations Manager.
Is there any way around this?