Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Dear all,
Since DFM 4.0.1 migration to One Command I have in my SnapShot name + or - and Lag with GMT TimeZone
There is a solution to modify the %T (TimeStamp) content for SnapShot Naming.
Hi Christophe
I am now in the same Situations as you.. Do you have found a Solution for the Timestamp setting in OnCommand?
Hi Thomas,
BTW, Why do you want to remove the timezone setting. Can you explain the same ?
Hi adai
Thanks for your answer..
It's not a technical need. Its just cosmetic, because I don't like long snapshot Names. With the Oncommand Software it doesn't matter
how long the snapshot Names are, but with CLI its simpler with short snapshot Names.
As far as i know %T is a mandatory setting and cannot be changed. Unless you use the script to generate your snapshot names.Below is the options for the same.
[root ~]# dfm options list dpSnapNameOption
Option Value
---------------- ------------------------------
dpSnapNameOption global-format
[root ~]# dfm options set dpSnapNameOption=junk
Error: dpSnapNameOption: junk must be global-script or global-format.
[root~]# dfm options list | grep -i dpsnap
dpSnapNameFormat %T_%R_%L_%H_%N_%A
dpSnapNameOption global-format
dpSnapNameOption: Naming option for snapshots in Protection Man-
ager. The value can either be global-format or global-script. When
user sets the value as global-format, they can specify the format
in dfm global option dpSnapNameFormat. When the user sets the value
as global-script, they can specify a script path in the dfm global
option dpSnapNameScriptPath and the user account in option dpSnap-
dpSnapNameScriptPath: Absolute path to the script that will gener-
ate the snapshot name to be created by protection capability of
OnCommand. Path can only be 127 characters long. Snapshot name
length can only be 124 characters long. Name would be truncated if
it exceeds that limit. For name collisions, numeric suffix would be
added at the end of the snapshots. Snapshot name can have ASCII
alphabets, ASCII numbers, underscore â_â, hyphen â-â, plus sign â+â
and a dot â.â. All other characters will be converted to character
dpSnapNameScriptRunAs: On Unix systems, user account to run the
script specified in the option dpSnapNameScriptPath. It can only be
64 characters long.
Hi Adai
It gives a Problem with the Timezone (fe +0200) in the Snapshotname. Operations Manager is not able anymore to access the snapshot:
Snapshot Name created within Protection Manager:
Error Message from Restore Wizard from Operations Manager, because of the + in the snapshotname:
Error: Error: Can't retrieve the list of files that can be restored: Can't list the content of the backup directory /vol/Volume/userhomes on vfiler:/Volume_backup. The reason is Unable to open directory /vol/Volume_backup/userhomes/.snapshot/2012-06-06_2000 0200_daily/: No such file or directory..
When I take a snapshot without a + in the Name (fe snapvault snapshot --> Filer(000000000000)_Volume_backup-base.300) Operations Manager has no Problem to List the Files in the snapshot.....
Do you Know this behaviour?
Hi Thomas,
Can you paste a screen shot ? As I am little confused of what you refer to by Operations Manager. Is it the web UI ? Or the JAVA Thick client NMC ?
Hi Thomas,
I tried the same and I am able to do it without this error in case of vfiler volumes and snapshots.Below is my snapshot name.
fas-sim-1*> vfiler run vFiler_Src snap list vfilerSnapshotName
===== vFiler_Src
Volume vfilerSnapshotName
%/used %/total date name
---------- ---------- ------------ --------
1% ( 1%) 0% ( 0%) Jun 03 14:02 dfpm_base(vfilerSnapshotName.474)conn1.0 (snapvault,acs)
2% ( 1%) 0% ( 0%) Jun 03 14:02 2012-06-09_0309+0530_daily_vfilerSnapshotName_vFiler_Src_vfilerSnapshotName_.-.wfa_treeq
3% ( 1%) 1% ( 0%) Jun 03 13:53 2012-06-09_0300+0530_hourly_vfilerSnapshotName_vFiler_Src_vfilerSnapshotName_.-.wfa_treeq
Whats interesting in your snapshot name is that it doesnt have a + 2012-06-06_2000 0200_daily
Tried doing the same to my snapshot name and am able to hit the error you mentioned.
2012-06-09_0309 0530_daily_vfilerSnapshotName_vFiler_Src_vfilerSnapshotName_.-.wfa_treeq
Hi Adai
The Problem appear in the WebUi of Operations Manager. I have attached two screenshots. The first Screenshot shows the Step, who I select the snapshot and the second one shows the Error..
Hi Thomas,
Did you try using the NMC to restore ? Backup Manager is End of Support and is not the place to use for restore of snapshot taken by PM ( though it should work).
I tried the same and hit the error you mentioned while using Backup Manager web UI. Pasted below is the screenshot.
But when I try to restore the same using NMC for the same snapshot i dont hit an error.
Hi Thomas,
Bug is filed for the same pls add your case if you like this to be fixed. Bug Id 612805.
Hi Adai
With NMC is no problem to restore Data. Some People in our company likes it more to restore with Web UI.. I will open a case referencing to the BUG ID 612805...
Thanks a lot for your support. Its great to become such kind of assistance from you....
HI Adaikkappan,
Regarding the global-script can you provide us a kind of sample or an how-to
Output format etc..
Can we use in the name few informations like %R %L %H %N %A?
I would like to use the global-script option too but couldn't find any information on this in the OnCore Manual or on the NetApp website. Has anyone ever successfully implemented this?