Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

How to change the ownership of disk from one filer to another in Hard ware base disk ownership


Hello Friends,

I need help in below given senario.

I have 3020 filer in cluster named filer6 and filer7. I was given the task to attach the new FC mk14 disk shelf with 7 disk to the existing environment, and was told to give the new disk ownership to the filer6.

But i was not aware of Hard ware base disk ownership and when i connected the FC cable from both the filer to both ESH4 module of new disk shelf.

The filer7 automaticaly took the ownership of new disks .

So Friend now i want to change the new disk ownership from filer7 to filer6 with out any downtime, and with out halting the system. Is there any way by which i can change the ownership.

I have additional empty FC port slot on both the filer.

( i want to keep the Hard ware base environment only )

and friends i also want to Know that how filers in cluster take the ownership of newly attached DS14mk4 disk shelf, Is there any method that how they decide which disk ownership will be taken by which filer.



Hardware ownership is determined by the module used on the shelf and not the port in the controller. The filer connected module A in the shelf gets the ownership. Only in syncmirror configurations with hardware ownership will the port on the filer be important for assigning the disk pools.

Apparently you connected filer7 to module A and filer6 to module B and you need to reverse the connections on the shelf. This can't be done without down time in a supported way, because at some point both controllers will temporarily lose connection to the shelf at the same time.


Hello Pascal,

Thanks for taking part in this disscussion .

Those newly added disk are not data poppulated , they are just as a spare disk on filer7.

I am thinking that.

I will set "options cf.takeover.on_disk_shelf_miscompare " ( i will set it to off mode)".

Then i can reverse the connection on the shelf.

By doing this filer will just generate the panic message of multiple disk fail, but it will not do takeover action.

Because while installing the new disk shelf i have changed the FC port connection from 4d to 2d port on same filer7 and we just got the error multiple disk fail only and the new

disk got moved from port 4d to 2d.

So i am thinking that can we reverse the connection of FC cable on shelf and by doing that will the ownership will change or not..?

Please put some light on my idea., Whether it will work or not.


Hi Vipul ,

Use the below method and let me know if this work for you .

1) login to filer7 and remove disk ownership


NOTE : make sure the disk is not part of any aggr , so run aggr status -r


srinathm-vsim1> priv set advanced

Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use

         them only when directed to do so by NetApp


srinathm-vsim1*> disk remove_ownership <diskname >

2) No go to second filer filer6  and assign the disk back to them .

srinathm-vsim1> priv set advanced

Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use

         them only when directed to do so by NetApp


srinathm-vsim1*> disk show -n   [ this should show you the unowned disks ]

srinathm-vsim1*>disk assign <disk name > -o <filer_name or you can the ownername > -s <sysid>

srinathm-vsim1*> disk assign v5.16 -o srinathm-vsim1 -s 080335005




Hi srinathm,

Thanks for taking part in this disscuss as i have already mentioned that the in hardware base disk ownership the disk show , disk assign types of cmd does not work.

instead of that we need to put "storage disk show" types of cmd.

and i have checked there is no such "disk remove_ownership" cmd.

The procedure which you have send me works in software base disk ownership.

I also checked the disk autoassign  options which is in off mode. actually i remains off in hardware based ownership.

i just want to know how the filers which are in cluster mode decide to take the ownership of the disk in hardware base environment, some one told me if the ESHA module get first

connected to the filer1 then it will take the ownership, if ESHA module get first connected to filer2  then the disk will get owned by filer2.

Then some other fellow told me that alternate disk get automatically assign to the respective filer for ex: if 1st disk assigned to filer1 then the 2nd disk get assigned to filer2.

I searched on netapp site and even in google what i am not able to get perfect answer , 2nd neither i get the any documents on disk assign in hardware base environment.

every where i get document of software base disk assignment.

2ndly nowdays the hardware base disk ownership is not supported and we can convert the hardware base to software base but that required the reboot. without reboot we can not change it.

see if i want to give the whole disk shelf to one filer then it is fine i can simply connect to the respective filer and all the disk will get owned by that filer. but if i need to give some disk to filer1 and some disk to filer2 then in that case what i will do(hardware base environment) that i don't know.


i just want to know how the filers which are in cluster mode decide to take the ownership of the disk in hardware base environment

Filer connected to ESH-A owns all disks is shelf.

2ndly nowdays the hardware base disk ownership is not supported and we can convert the hardware base to software base but that required the reboot. 

Non-disruptive change to software based disk ownership is supported with 7.3.1 and above.


Hello Aborzenkov,

Thanks for taking part in the discussion , can u send me the link from where i can download the procedure for Non-distruptive change to software based disk ownership.

2ndly if filer connected to ESHA owns all the disk in the shelf,

then if i want to give some disk to filer1 and some disk to filer2 then what should i do.?(in hardware based environment).


You can’t split shelf between nodes with hardware based disk ownership.

Procedure to change to software based disk ownership is described in Storage Management Guide, in chapter Changing from hardware-based to software-based disk ownership nondisruptively.


There is a simpler way..


1) You can unassign the disk from existing filer ownership using below command:

disk assign <XX.XX> -s unowned

2) Assign the ownership manually to required filer using the filer SYSTEM ID using below command:


disk assign <XX.XX> -s <Filer ID>

P.S: You can get Filer System ID  usin sysconfig -a output.

